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dc.contributor.authorWen, Mao-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.description.abstract電子業是台灣最具國際競爭力的產業之一;從技術門檻及營業利益來看,又以半導體業的晶圓代工為重心。而檢測認證實驗產業在電子業中雖然產值不大,但它對於縮短電子業新產品研發期、量產前的檢驗,有莫大的助益。兩者產業規模雖然大小差距極大,但都同屬於標榜「技術服務」為核心的公司。而此類公司在電子商務時代,因為資訊快速傳遞以及全球化供應鏈管理需求,面臨更激烈的國際競爭;包括成本效率、快速彈性交期、少量多樣的產能調配;服務資訊的透明、自動、即時性等需求,更是需要積極運用先進的資訊技術為企業創造出競爭優勢。 由於資訊技術快速演進,複雜度提高,企業難以單靠內部資源去完成。因此,專業委外服務提供了企業在自行開發外的另一項選擇,讓企業善用外部資源,更能向核心競爭力聚焦。故近年來,「資訊系統委外」已經成為資訊系統導入時的重要趨勢。 本研究以個案研究法,針對半導體產業中技術服務領域的公司「晶圓代工廠」、「檢測認證實驗室」的資訊委外決策模式為研究方向。將文獻中所研究的五項資訊委外決策模式,分析出最適合「技術服務」領域公司的委外決策模式,將其決策參數擷取出來;並分析歸納案例公司在發展資訊系統時,五項決策模式中所忽略的重要決策參數。將這兩類決策參數結合後,構建出一個新的決策模式,並以個案公司的資訊系統做再次的分析驗證,確認新建構的決策模式,對於半導體產業技術服務領域公司委外決策的最適性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe electronic industry has been one of the most globally competitive industries in Taiwan for the past 20 years. Within the industry, the semiconductor foundry manufacturing has been at the core of such competitiveness with respect to technical threshold and sales profit. Testing and certification laboratory, on the other hand, although covers only a minor part of the total sales of the electronic industry, plays a key role in shortening R&D cycle of new electronic products and assuring their quality prior to mass production. Companies in the above-mentioned two sectors, although differ greatly in production size, have all underscored “technical service” as their core functions. In this age of e-commerce, due to fast information delivery and global logistic chain supply, these companies have faced with keen global competition with such challenges as cost efficiency, delivery speed and flexibility, varied production adjustment, as well as information service transparency, automation and immediacy. Under such a trend, these companies need to utilize advanced and innovative information technology to create competitive edge for their customers. However, due to rapid change and increasing complexity of information technology, it is difficult for a company to accomplish such a task solely depending on internal resources. Service outsourcing provides a good alternative to make the best use of external resources and help to focus on core function. Information system outsourcing has, thus, recently become a rising trend in introducing information system to business. This study intends to investigate the information outsourcing strategy model. Based on the analysis of five information outsourcing strategies from previous literature, this study has first proposed an optimal outsourcing strategic model for technical service and distilled important strategic parameters from the model. The next step focused on analyzing what important parameters out of the five strategic models were neglected in the process of information system development by the case company. In the third step, the two types of parameters were combined to establish a new information outsourcing strategic model. Such a model was then applied to the case company’s information system to assess the optimal fitness of the model for information outsourcing of semiconductor technical service industry.en_US
dc.subjectInformation Systemen_US
dc.subjectDecision Modelen_US
dc.titleA Development of Decision Models for Information System Outsourcing in the Technical Service Sub-Field in Semiconductor Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis