Title: 應用層級分析法評選銅銦鎵硒太陽能電池鍍膜設備
Assesment of CIGSCell Deposition Equipment by Using AHP Method
Authors: 董立德
Li-Duh Dong
Chi Chiang
Keywords: 銅銦鎵硒太陽能電池;層級分析法;CIGS Solar Cell;AHP Method
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 太陽能電池是個擁有多元技術特性的科技。雖然目前產業主流是以矽晶太陽能電池為主,但商業市場和研究發展上仍充滿了諸多不同的產品與技術;近幾年來太陽能產業發展迅速,使得企業界爭相投入大量資金及人力,積極研發生產,但隨之而來的多晶矽原料短缺,也造成了市場的緊俏並使研發焦點移轉到其他的技術,如薄膜太陽能電池的開發上。但不同的太陽能電池技術,不單是材料特性、元件設計、製程技術等應用皆紛歧不一,使得研發過程中技術方案的選擇有相當程度的挑戰。 本研究目的,在於分析研發單位如何建立薄膜太陽能電池研發生產設備採購的評估準則,結合層級分析法,構建研發機台的採購決策模式。 實證部份以個案對象評選銅銦鎵硒(CIGS)薄膜太陽能電池製程中吸收層(Absorber Layer)真空鍍膜設備為例,研擬歸納出五大衡量構面,包括技術面、 生產面、成本面、業務面與策略面等二十項評估準則,進而透過決策小組所產生的權重,來評估三種不同的薄膜製程技術設備,分別是批次式共蒸鍍設備、枚葉式鍍膜設備與連續式大面積生產的線性蒸鍍源設備。根據分析結果,評選出枚葉式鍍膜設備為最適當的製程研發選擇。 研究提供了一個可量化的評選方式,於5大構面上,前3項的排序分別是(1)技術、(2)策略與(3)生產面的考量;於20項評估準則的權重分析上,前3項的排序分別是(1)製程控制與在現性、(2)單位時間的產量與(3)設備品質的穩定度。依照本研究所建立的評估架構,可提供研發人員在太陽能電池研發過程中,對設備的評選有ㄧ個客觀的參考依據。在有限的條件下做最有效的資源分配與決策分析,提高研究發展成功的機會。
Photovoltaics are the diversification technology. Although the crystalline silicon solar cell is the main stream of current industry, but the market and research filed are full of different technologies and products. The PV industry bombs up recently and force lots of the enterprises invested the capitals and man power in research and development. But whereupon the absence of poly silicon raw material is scarcely impact the market and driving the research focus to other technologies, like thin film solar cell development. But different photovoltaics technology are not only material characters, but also device design, process technology and application etc are divaricated. This makes the technology selection getting complex and challenging during RD. The purpose of the thesis is tried to analysis how the research unit built up the criteria of selecting the thin film solar cell research and development tool. With integrating the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to construct the RD tools purchase decision model. From the case study of assessment on CIGS solar cell deposition tool, we use 5 main aspects including technology, fabrication, cost, business and strategy and other 20 criteria for evaluation. The decision group estimated 3 different thin film process technology system, batch type co-evaporator, cluster type deposition system and in-line type liner source evaporator, on the weight of criteria research. Base from the research, we found the cluster type deposition tool is the best choice of research and development. The study provides a quantification method on RD tool assessment. The research found that the top 3 priorities of aspect as, (1) technology, (2) strategy and (3) fabrication. The top 3 criteria priorities are (1) process measurement and control reproductive (2) yields and throughput (3) quality stability. The research gives the RD engineers an objective standard while selecting the RD toll during the solar cell research period. This will improve the successful opportunity of RD in making the decision during the limit resources.
Appears in Collections:Thesis