DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yo-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChou, Chang-Pinen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Wen-Faen_US
dc.description.abstract常壓電漿技術對於現有表面改質處理,以及能源轉換具有其創新且獨特的優勢。其主要的特點是常壓電漿的製程條件,不需經由真空系統便能產出高能密度電漿,並且能在低溫環境及開放空間下,針對各種材料進行處理。綜合上述優點,本論文為運用常壓電漿技術,分別針對奈米鑽石基板表面聲波生物感測器生物固定化,以及電漿反應器對碳氫燃料轉換成富氫氣體兩部分進行研究探討。 本論文第一部分為水平剪力波表面聲波生物感測器之生物固定化技術探討。表面聲波生物感測器為一種靈敏度高、反應時間快速、以質量變化量作為感測依據的檢測技術。表面生物感測器其基本工作原理是當抗體與抗原反應所造成的質量變化,將影響壓電諧振體的頻率增減變化來進行感測。水平剪力波表面聲波生物感測器可廣泛使用於臨床醫學檢體。例如:細菌、病毒、免疫球蛋白、去氧核醣核酸等,因此在未來臨床醫學的應用上具有相當大潛力。 由於奈米鑽石具有優於其他材料的波傳速度,所以水平剪力波表面聲波生物感測器若藉由奈米鑽石做為基板,以氮化鋁薄膜做為壓電晶體,將能開發出高頻率高靈敏度之生物感測器。 在開發生物感測器的同時,同樣須面臨所有生物晶片皆要克服的重大難題。最主要的一個困難,便是如何將生物分子固定於感測晶體表面上。論文第一部分的研究目的即為尋找可以將生物分子固定於奈米鑽石的技術。而本研究進行的過程中,分別針對物理與化學吸附之於蛋白質固定化技術之影響。 透過實驗結果可以得知,經由常壓介電質放電電漿處理過的奈米鑽石基板,能成功固定抗體。 第二部分研究內容為碳氫燃料之電漿轉換技術。現今燃料電池系統可以大幅減少能源轉換對環境衝擊的影響,而阻礙燃料電池普及化的最重要因素為缺乏隨時可用的氫氣。 因此本論文第二研究部分,將配合常壓電漿開發一種碳氫燃料轉換成氫氣的反應器,並且可以提供燃料電池於交通運輸上的使用。常壓電漿反應器,其技術比傳統利用觸媒或加熱反應的反應器具有更多優點。包含擁有能快速啟動、高效能產率和在運作時減少電能使用等優點。本研究將開發並配合實驗,探討幾種新型常壓電漿燃料轉換器,利用部分氧化反應和自發熱反應的重組反應。實驗結果可以得知,常壓電漿燃料轉換器之轉換效率超過80%。 本研究顯示,常壓電漿燃料轉換器對於高碳量之碳氫燃料,也具有良好的轉化效率。因此本項技術在未來使用燃料電池的交通工具或內燃機的運用等應用上,前景相當樂觀。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA novel atmospheric plasma treatment (APT) process offers unique advantages over existing technologies of surface treatment and energy translation. The APT apparatus does not require any vacuum systems, produces a high density plasma, and provides treatment of various substrates at low temperatures while operating open to the atmosphere. This thesis applies the advantages of atmospheric plasma for two applications. First Application of Shear horizontal Surface Acoustic Wave (SH-SAW) biosensor system has high specificity, high sensitivity and also has a real time analysis response. In this system, any mass change occurred at the piezoelectric surface after an antibody-antigen reaction is reflected either by an increase or decrease in the frequency of the piezoelectric crystal. SH-SAW biosensor system could be used in different clinical sample, including bacteria, virus, immunoglobulin and DNA etc. It could be proved that by clinical examination SH-SAW biosensor possess greater potential in the future. SH-SAW biosensor devices are expected on nanocrystalline diamond films with an aluminum nitride piezoelectric layer because diamond presents the highest acoustic wave velocity among all materials. The purpose of this study is to find methods to immobilization protein on the Nanocrystalline diamond. In this research, different physical and chemical protein immobilization methods were studied and compared with respect to their performance as well as the processes involved in the preparation. The experimental results show that a novel method of immobilizing antibodies on Nanocrystalline diamond film for Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) was successfully developed by using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure. Second application of Fuel cell systems can help effectively reduce the environment impacts of transport. The lack of available hydrogen is one of the most important problems hampering fuel cell broad application. The study is to develop a new approach for on-board conversion of hydrocarbon Fuels to hydrogen. This is based on plasma reforming techniques, however, Atmospheric plasmatron fuel reforming technology has several advantages over traditional catalytic or thermal processes including fast start time, high productivity, relatively low electrical energy costs to operate. Several novel atmospheric plasma reformers were developed and investigated for the partial oxidation of several fuels including Diesel and Methane in the partial oxidation and auto thermal reforming regimes. High conversion was achieved with fficiencies greater than 80 percent. In the research show that atmospheric plasmatrons are capable of reforming heavyhy drocarbon fuels with high conversion efficiency and are an important piece of technology for on-board internal combustion engine systems that should be further developed and optimizeden_US
dc.subjectShear horizontal waveen_US
dc.subjectMaterial treatmenten_US
dc.titleInvestigation of Atmospheric Plasma Technology for SAW Biosensor and Fuel Reforming Applicationsen_US