标题: 配電饋線自動化系統之案例探討及其效益分析
A Case Study and Its Benefit Analysis on The Distribution Feeder Automation System
作者: 廖顯忠
Shean-Jong Liaw
Jing-Jang Hwang
关键字: 配電饋線自動化;供電可靠度;Distribution Feeder Automation System;Power Supply Reliability
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 提供完善的電力品質與安全的系統運轉是電力公司基本的責任與目標。當配電線路故障時如何迅速找出故障點並予以隔離及修復,加速恢復供電,減少對用戶之影響與損失,更是電力公司長期努力之課題。因此藉由配電系統自動化來改善供電可靠度,已成為現代配電系統發展研究中主要方向之一。配電自動化的效益不僅包括人力與停電成本降低的有形效益,也包括提昇客戶滿意度的無形效益。
Providing reliable and high-quality electricity to people is an essential objective for all power companies. The distribution feeder automation system can be utilized by power companies to improve the reliability of power supply and thus enhance customers’ satisfaction. In addition to the improvement on system reliability, deployment of such a system can also result in the reduction of operational cost.
This master thesis provides a literature review on this subject, describes the architecture and functions of the automation system, and analyzes benefit and cost for deployment of the system. Quantitative assessments of the benefit include improved reliability, increased revenue, reduced human cost and outage loss. An exemplary case is described and analyzed in detail such that the benefit and cost can be well understood. Guidelines are given for future adoption of the system.