標題: 域界之間:戰後初期台灣的文化生產場域—以1945年後半至1947年初的報刊空間為例
Between the Fields: The Cultural Production Field in Early Post-War Taiwan (1945-1947)
作者: 劉佳旻
Liu, Chia-min
Chiou, Der-Liang
關鍵字: 文化生產場域;政治資本;文化資本;戰後初期;位置;field of culture production;political capital;culture capital;post-war;position
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究以戰後初期台灣社會中的文化生產場域演化為主要描述對象,並以文化報╱刊為範疇,討論1945年八月終戰後到1947年二二八事件前為止,盡可能涵蓋期間所出版的文化報╱刊所構組起來的文化生產空間之整體佈局、社群結盟、資源分配等各種動態關係,並進一步討論這些動態關係的內部動力與生產條件的流動如何開拓戰後初期的中文文化生產場域。因此,本文受法國社會學家布迪厄的文化生產場域理論啟發,將社會空間視為場域——亦即關係結構的動態空間,並討論包含生產論述者、生產機構、政治權力支配以及其他特殊資本分配之間的積累與競逐。而在此一過程中,本研究試圖與布迪厄對話、修正其針對十九世紀至二十世紀的法國社會所展開的場域理論,將「政治資本」視為一關鍵要素,進入戰後初期的台灣社會,描述中文文化生產場域以什麼樣的面貌展開。 關鍵詞:文化生產場域、政治資本、文化資本、戰後初期、位置
The main concept of this research is the evolution of the cultural production field of early post-war Taiwan. We discuss about the culture production space composed of magazines, newspapers and all the intellectual groups running this magazines and newspapers. By mapping out the topography of early post-war Taiwan’s culture production, we not only concern the vibration relations including disposition and the distribution of various capitals between different groups, but also discuss the condition of cultural production and how the condition functions on the fields then expend a new cultural production based on the paradigm of Chinese. Therefore, in this research we apply the approach of French Sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu’s discourse of “field” and view the whole society as a field, including the culture producers, institutions, and political dominators, which would be the most important value of this research: we re-built the political capital structure and by discussing it to enter the early post-war Taiwan’s cultural production field. Keywords:field of culture production、political capital、culture capital、post-war、position

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