Title: | 半導體封測設備通路商的經營策略-以個案公司為例 A Case Study on the Business Strategy of Semiconductor Backend Equipment Distributors |
Authors: | 黃世榮 Huang, Shih-Jung 韓復華 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 半導體設備;產業價值鏈;競爭策略;semiconductor equipment;value chain;competitive strategy |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 在未來全球半導體產業分工體系下,台灣半導體代工產業將持續創造龐大的設備需求,連帶的帶動起半導體設備服務產業的成長。由其是半導體封裝測試業者目前全力發展銅製程、3D IC封測等,加上來自於IDM委外封測的需求,因此持續添購機器設備以進行擴產。這些新產能的擴充與新應用設備的需求,不但刺激半導體封測產業所需要的設備服務市場的成長與變化,也使台灣成為全世界封測設備廠家的兵家必爭之地。本研究是以個案研究方式,利用產業分析,競爭環境的五力分析,以了解封測設備服務產業的生態;利用產業價值鏈分析為相關服務業者剖析優勢、劣勢,以找尋競爭優勢與正確的營運策略。 面對半導體產業趨於成熟,封裝測試應用變化迅速的市場生態下,在半導體封測設備產業中,客戶的議價力量十分強大,既有競爭者間的競爭十分激烈,這兩大因素主宰了整個產業的競爭環境。而比較國內設備商、原廠分公司與設備通路商三種營運模式,原廠分公司基本上會採產品領先策略進行,而設備通路商則是整體顧客解決方案的策略模式。各種營運模式各有其優點、缺點,均可基於本身營運模式或競爭優勢,選擇客戶群與市場,發展可行的競爭策略。其中,優秀技術人才的培養與訓練為國內設備商與設備通路商的劣勢,中長期的人力資源發展策略將是持續性競爭優勢的關鍵。 設備通路商的關鍵成功因素包括: (1)掌握新產品、新應用的成長機會,(2)良好的客戶關係管理,(3)整體顧客解決方案的營運策略,(4)與設備原廠長期而穩固的夥伴關係,(5)注重售後的維修與應用支援,(6)優異的人力資源。通路設備商應積極掌握這些關鍵成功因素,以構建長期的競爭優勢。 Based on the future requirements for the supply chain of semiconductor industry worldwide, foundry industry in Taiwan will continue to boost huge demand of semiconductor equipment and its related equipment service business. Especially for semiconductor backend testing and packaging companies, they are all having aggressive plans for expansion due to the migration to copper wire bonding, 3D IC and outsourced testing and packaging needs from IDMs. Due to these equipment needs for capacity increase and new applications, the industry of equipment service is growing and changing drastically with the fact that Taiwan is now the focus of worldwide semiconductor equipment vendors. This thesis reports on the competition situation of semiconductor backend equipment service industry through industry analysis, five-force analysis and value chain analysis from a case study. It leads the related companies to understand their own strength and weakness, identify their competitive advantages and come up with right business strategy. Under the circumstances of matured semiconductor industry and rapid-changing backend applications, the negotiation power of customers and competition among existing players are the two major forces to dominate the competition environment. From the comparison of three business models - local equipment vendors, Taiwan branch offices and equipment distributors, we can understand that Taiwan branch offices tend to adopt product leadership strategy, whereas equipment distributors go for total customer solution strategy. There are pros and cons for each business models, one should rely on its business model and competitive advantages to choose its customer groups and develop market strategy. Meanwhile, as training and development for technical staffs is the weakness of local equipment vendors and equipment distributors, excellent human resource management will be the key to develop their sustainable competitive advantage. The key successful factors for equipment distributors are the following : (1) Seizing the growth opportunities for new products and new applications, (2) Excellent customer relationship management, (3) Strategy of total customer solution, (4) Long-term stable partnership with equipment vendors, (5) Focus on after service and applications support, and (6) Excellent human resource. Equipment distributors should strive to develop these key successful factors to build up sustainable competitive advantages. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40652 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |