Title: 能源管理應用與電器診斷服務之設計與實作
Design and Implementation of Energy Management Application and Appliance Diagnosis Services
Authors: 黃淑貞
Huang, Shu-Jane
Tsao, Shiao-Li
Keywords: 能源管理;電器診斷;Energy Management;Appliance Diagnosis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 在節能省電環保意識抬頭的時代,如何讓使用者輕鬆容易地透過智慧行動上網裝置即能得知家中電器的部署與耗電已不再是電影情節,如何進一步提供自動化電器診斷服務,並發送電器更換警示,提高電器使用安全性,且減少維修人力的成本,將使數位生活更具智慧與安全。
本篇論文乃是架構於非侵入式負載監測技術(Nonintrusive load monitoring, NILM)、與家庭閘道器(home gateway),於iOS行動上網裝置實作能源管理系統,並進行電燈之耗電與照度的實驗,了解電燈老化與耗電之關連以及效益評估,並將實驗數據提供給具備非侵入式負載監測功能之智慧電錶,進行分析與辨識電燈之不同新舊狀態的耗電情形,以為提供使用者關於電燈維修、更換的服務。
Saving energy consumption and be friendly to environment are getting more and more important in recent several years. To allow a user accessing detail information of home appliances such as locations and energy consumption through mobile devices such as iPad and iPhone is critical. Besides the energy management functions, it becomes an interesting add-on service if an energy management system can offer appliances diagnosis and maintenance notification features.
In this thesis, we implement an iOS energy management application (APP) based on a nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) meter and a home gateway. We further conduct experiments on various types of light tubes and bulbs to examine the energy efficiency and aging problems. With the experimental results support, an NILM meter will be able to distinguish different states of light bulbs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis