標題: 統包契約施工階段遭遇問題與因應對策之探討-以學校新建工程為例
Investigation of the Construction Problems and Solutions for Design-Build Contracts – Case Studies
作者: 施教勝
Shih, Chiao-sheng
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 統包工程;同等品;減價收受;design/build;substitution;acceptance with price-reduction
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 國內公共工程長久以來由於機關大多基於防弊,多採傳統先委託技術顧問完成規劃及細部設計,再以最低標發包由得標之營造廠商按圖施工之模式進行,其執行常因設計理念差異、施工界面衝突、市場條件更迭等因素之影響,而導致效率不彰與爭議頻繁。自政府採購法頒布實施以來,法源明確且實行程序有所依循,逐漸有機關嘗試藉由統包並以最有利標決標之模式辦理採購,惟仍未能普遍,其中主要原因之一係因工程主辦機關、審計單位及業界對統包模式及精神仍未熟稔,致履約過程中,由於契約及角色認知差異而產生衝突與爭議。本研究以教育部委託某機關代辦之六所國立高中職校老舊校舍整建工程為例,由於該代辦機關較少承辦建築工程且係首次以統包辦理,亦難免於細部設計審查、契約變更、契約條款競合等細節遭遇衝突與爭議,本研究藉由整理前述統包案所遭遇之九項衝突與爭議案例(其中有些在非統包工程亦會發生),經探討後歸納為六種問題類型,並個別加以研析,並提出適當處理之建議。研究成果不僅可提供機關日後辦理統包工程案件之借鏡,執行非統包工程時亦可參考。
In the past, most public construction agencies in Taiwan manage construction projects in a conventional manner for preventing corruption. That is, a design-bid-build contracting method and a low-bid tendering method are often adopted for finding a contractor. Such a traditional apporach has caused numerous inefficiencies and disputes due to the misinterpretation of design, construction interterferences, and many other factors. After the Government Procurement Law has been enacted, a new approach that is based on the design/build (also called turnkey) contracting method and the most advantageous tendering method can be adopted by law. However, construction disputes remain even when the new approach is applied. Thus, this study aims to investigate the reasons and suggust solutions of these construction disputes by analyzing six design/build projects. These case projects were all related to the construction of new high-school facilities. According to these case studies, this work identifies six types of construction disputs. The lessons learned for each dispute are discussed. Overall, the findings of this study should be able to support public agencies in managing both design/build and design-bid-build projects.