标题: 智慧型模糊控制器于现代车辆的非线性电动节气门的设计与应用
Intelligent Fuzzy Controller for Nonlinear Hysteretic Electronic Throttle in Modern Intelligent Automobile
作者: 黄得裕
Huang, De-Yu
Wang, Chi-Hsu
关键字: 电动节气门;智慧;车辆;模糊;electronic throttle;intelligent;automobile;fuzzy
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 本论文针对具有非线性迟滞物理现象的系统提供新的理论与模糊设计观念来设计模糊控制器。为了可以良好控制现代车辆上的非线性迟滞电动节气门,首先于本论文发表针对追踪非线性迟滞系统的控制讯号的新的成果。此研究将智慧型模糊控制器实现并有良好的表现。除此之外还发表新式的闭回路BP 调整方法来调整模糊里论的输出部分来产生更好的控制效果。最终此控制器被实现在即时低成本的单晶片控制电路板上并拥有良好的控制性能。
This thesis presents a new method for the nonlinear hysteretic system to design Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) using a new theorem and a new closed-loop BP tuning. In order to control the nonlinear hysteretic electronic throttle adopted in modern automobiles, a new result for the tracking control of nonlinear hysteretic system is first proposed in this thesis. Therefore we can realize the intelligent fuzzy logic controller in a well-behaved and systematic manner. A new closed-loop BP tuning is also proposed for the tuning of the fuzzy output membership functions to yield better tracking result. Finally the controller synthesis is performed in real time environment using dSpace MicroAutobox (MABX) and advanced microcontroller development board to yield excellent tracking results with cost-effective implementation.