標題: 開放式商業模式-以IC產業中SoC 設計代工為例
Open Business Models: A Case Study of SoC Design Foundry in the IC Industry
作者: 陳琬真
Chen, Wan-Chen
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 開放式商業模式;開放式創新;設計代工;創新中介者;系統單晶片;半導體產業;Open Business Models;Open Innovation;Design Foundry;Innovation Intermediary;System-on-a-Chip (SoC);IC Industry
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 設計代工是半導體產業中一種新興的開放式商業模式。設計代工除了提供IP授權與IC設計服務之外,也提供顧客從SoC設計到製造所有完整流程的解決方案。為了因應市面上輕薄短小的產品,當IC的功能越來越多,IC 的設計越來越複雜,IP就更顯得重要性。IC公司必須將系統產品的功能整合在單顆晶片上,因此系統單晶片的發展變成一種IC設計的趨勢。但是一個晶片上可能使用許多不同的IP,這些IP也可能皆由不同公司所擁有,因此如何整合不同公司的各式IP,對於半導體產業內的所有公司都將是一大挑戰。本研究將半導體產業中執行開放式商業模式的成功經驗與個案做系統化之整理,以個案研究法探討半導體產業中,各個公司在設計IC時面臨哪些SoC的問題、半導體產業中存在何種服務缺口、半導體產業中的開放式商業模式(設計代工)如何興起並解決各個公司之問題與創意電子之個案分析。研究結果發現,對扮演全球半導體產業中價值鏈重要環節的設計代工而言,採行開放式創新與開放式商業模式可促進企業更有效率地創造價值與擷取價值。整個半導體產業透過設計代工所扮演的創新中介者角色,已經形成一個完整的生態體系。不僅設計代工可從整合價值鏈活動的過程中擷取價值,半導體產業中的各個公司也從這個生態系統中創造價值並獲得產業效益。
In the global IC industry, business models have evolved into design foundry models. Wafer foundries are to IDM what design foundries are to IC design houses. A design foundry is a bridge between foundries and customers, creating new value and generating collaboration interest. Design houses must use a design foundry, an innovation intermediary, to combine their internally generated intellectual properties (IPs) with IPs acquired externally. Design foundries were established in response to the growing trend towards IP and design reuse in system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices. The concept of SoC refers to integrating all components of a computer or other electronic system in a single integrated circuit (IC). Due to the increasing complexities of SoC devices, it is impossible for one IC design house to have the state-of-the-art expertise required to make all the hardware and software components required for an SoC. Based on SoC needs for IP reuse and design reuse, this study analyzes a new open business model, called design foundry. Design foundries not only provide the services of IP authorization and IC design, but also offer turnkey solutions, namely a complete package from the very beginning of the design stage to the very end. This paper uses the SoC design foundry as a case to examine the IC industry evolution, SoC problems, and the core value of innovation intermediaries in the whole IC ecosystem. Further, it demonstrates how design foundries create win-win benefits by teaming up with suppliers and customers in the IC industry.