DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorGwo-Sheng Wuen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr.Chun-Yu Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr.Chuen-Jinn Tsaien_US
dc.description.abstract近年來職業安全衛生管理系統(OHSAS 18001),在國際上受到肯定與重視,並在全球各產業界造成一股建置風潮,截至2005年11月底止,我國通過OHSAS 18001驗證的事業單位已有239家。為了瞭解印刷電路板產業運用職業安全衛生管理系統的概況,並探討安全衛生管理績效指標之選定,本研究特別經由專家與廠商問卷的比對交叉分析,獲知推行OHSAS 18001的動機以因應國內外客戶的要求為最優先考量﹔在內在誘因部份,以提升公司形象與內部高階主管要求最為顯著。而成功關鍵在於高階主管的承諾及支持,公司內部人員配合度不佳為推行困難之原因。在績效指標選定研究結果,在狀態面,以職業災害統計狀況、員工安全行為良劣、員工安全意識水平、機械設備異常次數、零災害工時數等應列為第一優先選項﹔在管理面,認為管理階層審查與承諾程度、政策目標之達成度、矯正及預防措施改善完成率,是最重要的選項﹔至於操作面,認為承攬商違規次數、自動檢查執行與缺失改善完成率、消防設施設置情形、使用危險物有害物及管理情形、危險性機械設備操作妥善率、高階主管巡查數、教育訓練計畫之執行頻率等項目最需列為績效指標選項。 績效指標之研究結果,有效診斷了印刷電路板業推行OHSAS 18001的問題,期能利於推動安全衛生管理系統持續運作,以建立其印刷電路板業安全衛生文化,創造永續經營之契機zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor the past years Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS 18001 has been increasingly recognized and caught attentions throughout the world, resulting in a widespreading implementation of the system among the industries. By November 2005, 239 enterprises have passed the certificate surveillance countrywide. In order to understand the implementation status of the OH&S management system in the printed circuit board (PCB) industry and to study the selection of the system performance indicators, cross examination of questionnaires gathered from both scholars and industries were made and concluded that motivation of implementing the OHSAS 18001 is mainly driven externally by to cope with either international or native customer requirements. Internally, it is outstood by to promote company image and to fulfill the top management’s determination. Key of its success comes from management’s commitments and supports when poor collaboration within the company personnel is the main cause of its failure. With respect to selection of the health and safety performance indicator, occupational incident statistic results, maturity of employee behavior safety, safety awareness, frequency of machinary failure and cumulative workhour with zero incident shall be considered first as an indicator as comes to condition aspect. For indicators in management aspect, all agree unanimously that management review, degree of commitment, achievement of policies and goals as well as degree of completion of the corrective and preventive measures are prominent. As to indicators in operation aspect, number of violation by contractors, self-inspection implementation and completion rate of corrective action, fire fighting system integrity, handling and managing of hazardous substances, properness of operating the dangerous machines, frequency of top management auditing, degree of traing program excution are more critical. By studying the performance indicators we could effectively identify barriers in implementing the OHSAS 18001 system, hoping to benefit the execution of the health and safety management system and its continuity, to establish the health and safety culture within the PCB industry, and to create opportunity of sustainability for the business.en_US
dc.subjectOccupational Health and Safety Management Systemen_US
dc.subjectPerformance Indicatoren_US
dc.subjectPrinted Circuit Boarden_US
dc.titleStudy of Performance of Implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System-in Printed Circuit Board Industryen_US


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