標題: 專利侵權損害賠償數額認定方法之建構
Construction of Methods to Determine Amount of Damages in Patent Infringement Actions
作者: 陳群顯
Chen, Chun-Hsien
Liu, Shang-Jyh
Horng, Russell
關鍵字: 專利侵權;損害賠償計算;損害賠償數額;專利訴訟;實證研究;侵權行為;智慧財產權;patent infringement;calculation of damages;amount of damages;patent litigation;empirical study;torts;intellectual property
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 現行專利侵權損害賠償之審理,由於法律規範均屬抽象,在實務適用上已產生有諸多不確定,導致法院與訴訟兩造當事人在面臨此一議題時,都面臨相當程度之難題,更導致法院判決結果常與產業界之預期大相逕庭,而過高的判決不可預測性將會導致無謂的專利訴訟,以及助長當事人僥倖投機心理,並無法達成專利法促進產業研發、競爭之立法終極目的。 本文針對現階段專利侵權損害賠償制度設計,由促進產業研發、競爭之角度著手,檢視制度設計中法院判決與當事人商業談判時對於損害賠償數額何以產生有嚴重落差之原因,分析法院、專利權人、潛在侵權行為人間關於適用此一制度時所面臨之困擾,並嘗試以實證研究的方式研究目前台灣民事法院關於專利侵權訴訟中對於損害賠償作出判斷的判決,觀察目前法院判決中關於專利侵權損害賠償計算時所採取的原則以及所面臨的難題,並試圖針對相關現象提供合理解釋。再依據相關損害賠償體系之架構整體思考如何運用現行民事訴訟法制度合理計算損害賠償數額,整合納入法官審酌案件之參酌事項,以完整建構損害賠償數額認定方法,俾以增加當事人對法院判決之可預測性,同時也希望提供法院法官作為判定損害賠償金額之重要參考依據,達成增進法院判決之一致性之目標。
The legal regulations of damages calculation are too abstract to be applied in practical cases and thus, the damages awarded in judicial trial under current civil law system facesdissertation the problem of uncertainty. Although both parties and the court apply the same legal regulations, the respectively desired damages awards are quite different. The uncertainty of damages award will initiate unnecessary patent litigations. One party will pursue endless patent litigation by chance if there is a hope to obtain favorable judgment. Therefore, the ultimate purpose to promote research & development and competition among industries proposed in the Patent Law is difficult to be achieved. This dissertation focuses on the construction of methods to determine amount of damages in patent infringement actions. From the perspective of promoting the research & development and competition among industries, this dissertation first examines the practical problems of why there is huge gap between the expected value of the parties and the damages award from the court judgment, and then, points out the real questions that the court, the plaintiff and the defendant faced when applying the legal regulations stipulated in the Patent Law concerning the calculation of the damages. This dissertation classifies and generalizes the questions with respect to the calculation of damages in patent infringement actions through empirical studies on patent litigation in Taiwan courts and then provides explanations to deal with these questions. This dissertation further proposes feasible solutions to apply current regulations to reasonably calculate damages under the current system of Patent Law in Taiwan so as to resolve questions occurred in court practices. Another purpose of this dissertation is to provide useful guidelines for judges’ reference when determining damages and thus promote the predictability of court judgments and achieve the goal of consistency of court judgments.

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