標題: RGB LED光源應用於直下背光模組之研究
Study of Direct-Type Backlight using RGB Light-Emitting Diode
作者: 王維志
Wang, Wei-Chih
Kuo, Hao-Chung
關鍵字: 發光二極體;直下式背光模組;廣視角;Light Emitting Diode;Backlight Light units;Wide view angle
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來由於材料和製程能力的提升,提昇了 LED(發光二極體)的亮度、發光效率、高色彩飽和度和節能環保的特性。這大幅提升了LED 在照明、顯示器等應用領域的滲透率,且成為液晶顯示器主要的光源之一。並成為近兩年來產業界及廠商所關注的研發焦點。 2011 年初,LED 效率的提升,促使在背光設計上透過燈條數量的減少,逐步縮小LED 和CCFL 成本上的差距。而未來的LED 背光模組的設計將朝向低成本發展,首要之事便是降低LED 的使用數量。對於提升LED 應用的普及率會是個很大的突破。 在本論文使用蒙地卡羅光線追跡的方式進行廣視角 R/G/B LED 作為直下式背光模組設計,評估畫面的輝度均勻度,色度均勻度,並與實作樣品進行比對。以期達到減少開發時程,節省掉初期開發時不必要的錯誤嘗試和金錢上的浪費。
In recent years, the materials and fabrication processes used to make LEDs are continually improving – resulting in brighter, more efficient, vivid color, energy saving and environment friendly product. This dramatically improves the penetration of LEDs in Lighting, display and others application. And become one of the main light source of the liquid crystal display. In past two years, many company and manufacturer interests and focus on material research and develop. At the beginning of 2011, the improvement of LED efficiency, that impelled to reduction of LED Light-bar in backlight design. It gradually narrow the cost gap between LED and CCFL. The future of the LED backlight module design towards lower cost development. The first thing is to reduce the number of LED used. This will be a big breakthrough and enhance the penetration rate for LED application. In this thesis, we proceed optical simulation using Monte-Carlo ray tracing. And we use the wide view angle R/G/B LED in direct-type back-light design. To estimate and measure the brightness uniformity and color uniformity. We try to reduce the period of developing process. And avoiding the misdirected research and waste of time.


  1. 752402.pdf

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