標題: 圖書館書架管理系統之研究
The Design of a Library Bookshelf Management System
作者: 郭真秀
Kuo, Chen-Hsiu
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 圖書館書庫管理;館藏典藏管理;書庫挪架;圖書挪架;圖書移架;圖書館3D書庫管理系統;library stacks management;collection management;moving library collections;bookshelf management system
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究開發的系統能協助圖書館員,規劃處理大量繁複的書庫圖書挪架工作;也是國內首度以3D圖面方式呈現書庫圖書挪架結果,並以顏色顯示書架的飽和度,提供工作人員調配書庫書架之圖書存放。此系統的特點包括:一、系統彈性設計,各館適用,依據各館書庫現況,自行設定使用。二、縮短時間,節省人力,提高工作效能:依據系統排架結果,分成多組同時進行挪架,儘早完成書庫挪架工作,縮短讀者等待時間;並避免書架圖書分配不均,有效降低排架誤差,避免反覆挪架造成人力資源的浪費。三、以書庫平面圖顯示書架調配結果,館員依據計算結果,進行動態調整,使圖書館書架空間得到最合理的使用。
The system is designed to help librarians in planning book of large number of complex stack move and frame work. Three-dimensional drawings of stack shelves will be presented by this system in different colors, which stand for their saturation levels of stack shelves. This will be the first three-dimensional shelving monitoring system of Taiwan to help librarians do better job in shelving accordingly. This system is featured by several advantages. : First, the system has sufficient flexibility to meet the need of all libraries by employing customization setting. Second, a better planning by the system will shorten the time needed for stack move and frame work by multiple planes, avoid unnecessary repeated work to save labor as well as the uneven distribution of the frames, then thus improve shelving efficiency and service quality. Third, the two-dimensional storage layout by the system will provide librarians the essential information to adjust stack deployment dynamically and optimize the use of library shelf space.


  1. 764001.pdf

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