DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChiang, Jung-Faen_US
dc.contributor.authorDzeng, Ren-Jyeen_US
dc.description.abstract國內目前有關結構3D曲牆施工技術,文獻幾無案例可考,一般常見為2D曲牆結構之施工法,結構設計較為單純,曲線變化規則性或統一性,在軟、硬體需求和技術層次一般的平台即能作業,辦公室的軟、硬體皆能滿足施工圖之需求。而3D技術必須採較高階的硬體設備才能符合需求,其差別在於增加暫存記憶體容量、加大硬碟空間與採用具有高速圖形運算能力的影像加速卡,且需要的軟體也較為專業。作業工程師必須具備熟練的3D電腦技能及專業知識方能勝任。 本研究主要探討3D曲牆施工技術及施工可行性評估,並將規劃、設計至施工階段須考量之要點加以彙整,及提供國內針對3D曲牆施工計畫之訂定與風險評估。另提供施工計畫建議,就施工前與施工中應考量事項。研究剖析3D曲牆之關鍵技術,提供國內業界針對3D曲牆施工規劃參考。若能將該技術應用在複雜和更普遍的工程領域,發展更完整的技術及應用將指日可待。 3D曲牆施工技術為國內首度案例,施工難度非常高,為探討曲牆施工技術障礙點對成本、工期及工程風險的影響,本研究進行製作與實際建築物代表性之曲牆模型施工實驗,主要目的為確認其施工技術障礙作綜合性之驗證,而這些驗證結果將可做為未來興建施工相關參數之參考依據,藉此為未來3D結構曲牆施工提供最佳化的貢獻度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT At present in internal the structure of 3D curved wall construction technology, literature almost no case may test, general common structure for the 2D curved wall construction methods, structural design relatively simple curve regularity or uniformity in hardware and software requirements and technical level general platform that is able to work, the office software and hardware Jieneng to meet the demand of construction drawings. The 3D technology must adopt a higher order of hardware to meet the demand, the difference is that the temporary increase in memory capacity, increase the use of hard disk space and computing power with high-speed video graphics accelerator card and software also need to be more professional. Operating engineer must have a skilled 3D computer skills and expertise before being qualified. This study focused on 3D curved wall construction techniques and construction feasibility, and planning and design to construction stage of the main points to be considered to be pooled, and the provision of internal plans for 3D curved wall in the formulation and risk assessment. Another provision of the construction plan to write proposals, on the pre-construction and construction issues to be considered. Analysis of 3D curved wall of the key technologies to provide domestic industry planning for 3D curved wall for reference. If the technology used in complex and more general engineering, technology and the development of more complete applications will be just around the corner. 3D curved wall construction technology as the first domestic case of the construction is very high, curved wall of technical barriers to point to the cost, time and project risks, and actual production of this research building model representative of the construction of curved wall experiment primarily to confirm the construction of technical obstacles to a comprehensive verification, which verify the results will be an important reference for the construction of the construction parameters, so as to 3D structure for the future construction of curved walls offer the best of the contribution.en_US
dc.subject3D technologyen_US
dc.subjectConstruction technologyen_US
dc.subjectCurved wall Construction Planen_US
dc.subjectcase studiesen_US
dc.title3D Exploration of curved wall construction technologyen_US


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