Title: 分子束磊晶成長InAs/InGaAs 量子點之銻表面活化效應
Surfactant Effect of Sb on InAs/InGaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Authors: 江振豪
Chiang, Chen-Hao
Chen, Jenn-Fang
Keywords: 量子點;砷化銦;銻;活化效應;相分離效應;Quantum Dots;InAs;Antimony;Surfactant;Segregation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文主要是探討銻元素(Sb)對InAs/GaAs 量子點的影響,以分子束磊晶成
Sb 可以調變InAs/GaAs 量子點的密度、形貌(高寬比)與體積大小。成長過程摻
雜銻元素所產生的表面活化效應,會降低材料表面能與原子遷移率,延長2D 成
長抑制3D 成長,造成濕潤層厚度增加降低量子點密度。透過原子力顯微鏡與穿
透式電子顯微鏡影像分析,發現一般量子點密度為3×1010 cm-2,當摻雜Sb 進入量
子點內密度會下降,隨著Sb 含量越多密度下降幅度越大,表面量子點密度最低
達到1×108 cm-2 以下;摻雜Sb 於量子點下方緩衝層形成InAs/GaAsSb 結構,密度
會上升達到5,5×1010 cm-2。量子點密度的改變也伴隨著體積的改變,因為強烈聚
構InAsSb/GaA 高寬比較小,結構InAs/GaAsSb 高寬比較大。摻雜Sb 在量子點內
InAsSb 量子點,主要探討Sb 對量子點成核與應力鬆弛的影響,研究顯示摻雜
Sb 會延遲QDs 的成核與提早產生應力鬆弛現象
摻雜Sb 元素於量子點內部的研究,表面量子點產生強烈聚集現象導致密度
倍,會使原本正常的激發態訊號峰值半高寬由正常75 meV(室溫下)增大到105
meV(低溫30 K),變溫光激發螢光光譜顯示峰值能量藍移由正常~40 meV 增大到
~94 meV。此外室溫光激發螢光光譜顯示摻雜最多的樣品螢光強度減小3.5、發
量比量子井大。透過橫截面穿透式電子顯微鏡影像,當Sb 摻雜較少時量子點每
顆獨立開來清晰可見,當Sb 摻雜較多時量子點彼此群聚形貌類似量子井。
弱與半高寬變寬,透過摻雜Sb 可以降低載子在表面的複合速度與消失速度,抑
This work investigates the surfactant effect on exposed and buried InAs
quantum dots (QDs) by incorporating Sb into the QD layers with various Sb beam
equivalent pressures (BEPs). Secondary ion mass spectroscopy shows the presence of
Sb in the exposed and buried QD layers with the Sb intensity in the exposed layer
substantially exceeding that in the buried layer. Incorporating Sb can reduce the
density of the exposed QDs by more than two orders of magnitude. However, a high
Sb BEP yields a surface morphology with a regular periodic structure of ellipsoid
terraces. A good room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) at ~1600 nm from the
exposed QDs is observed, suggesting that the Sb incorporation probably improves the
emission efficiency by reducing the surface recombination velocity at the surface of
the exposed QDs. Increasing Sb BEP causes a blueshift of the emission from the
exposed QDs due to a reduction in the dot height as suggested by atomic force
microscopy. Increasing Sb BEP can also blueshift the ~1300 nm emission from the
buried QDs by decreasing the dot height. However, a high Sb BEP yields a quantum
well-like PL feature formed by the clustering of the buried QDs into an undulated
planar layer. These results indicate a marked Sb surfactant effect that can be used to
control the density, shape, and luminescence of the exposed and buried QDs.
This study investigates the effects of surfactant and segregation from InAs
surface quantum dots (SQDs) by incorporating antimony (Sb) into the QD layers. The
Sb surfactant effect extends planar growth and suppresses dot formation.
Incorporating Sb can reduce the density of SQDs by more than two orders of
magnitude. Photoluminescence (PL) reveals enhancement in the optical properties of
InAs SQDs as the Sb beam equivalent pressure (BEP) increases. This improvement is
caused by the segregation of Sb on the surface of SQDs, which reduces non-radiative
recombination and suppresses carrier loss. The dark line at the SQDs surface in the
transmission electron microscopic image suggests that the incorporated Sb probably
segregates close to the surface of the SQDs. These results indicate a marked Sb
segregation effect that can be exploited to improve the surface-sensitive properties of
SQDs for biological sensing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis