標題: 在學中青少年機車使用者安全風險感知之研究
The Study on the Risk Perception of Adolescent Motorcyclists in School
作者: 吳振宏
Wu, Cheng Hong
Wu, Shoei-Uei
關鍵字: 青少年;風險感知;父母;同儕;新聞媒體;結構方程式;adolescent;risk perception;parents;peers;news;structure equation model
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 台灣地區每年因騎乘機車死亡人數占所有各車種中之比例為最高,且年輕人為最主要的族群。本研究針對在學之青少年進行問卷調查,並利用統計方法進行相關因子之分析。結果發現,青少年的騎乘行為受人格特質、父母機車安全教育、同儕間錯誤騎乘方式、新聞媒體正面報導所影響。在性別差異中,男性較女性會受同儕朋友的騎乘行為影響;女性在探究新聞媒體交通意外事故內容及風險感知程度上皆較男性高。隨著學歷增加,可能因其技術能力及自信力提高,所以就更有可能做出違反交通法規的情形發生。在有無駕照中,無駕照之青少年明顯高於有駕照之青少年會去瞭解新聞報導機車意外事故的內容,由此可知新聞媒體報導的重要性。最後結構方程模式得知,危險機車騎乘行為對於風險感知為負向關係,代表風險感知愈高之青少年對於危險機車騎乘行為則愈低;而父母家庭正確騎乘機車教育及新聞媒體報導正向新聞資訊對於風險感知為正向關係;人格特質中追求冒險刺激及同儕朋友錯誤騎乘行為對於風險感知為負向關係。
Among the accidental deaths caused by all types of vehicles, motorcycling has the highest proportion. This research aims to investigate the adolescents in school and uses statistical method to analyze the relative factors. The results showed that the riding behaviors on adolescents are affected by personality traits, parental education, incorrect riding styles among peers, and the positive news reports. On gender differences, boys’ riding behaviors are more easily affected by peers’ riding styles than girls’; girls are more able to explore the relation between accidents on news reports and risk perception. As the schooling year increases, the fact that their riding ability and confidence improve may lead to the reason why they are more likely to violate traffic laws. On the category of licensing, the unlicensed adolescents were more prone to get to understand the content of the accidents on news than licensed ones, which shows the importance of media reports. Finally, from the structure equation model we can find that the dangerous riding behavior and risk perception show negative correlation, which means that the higher the risk perception on adolescents, the lower the perception of the dangerous riding behavior. Correct riding education and positive information on media both show positive relationship when risk perception is a variable. The personality traits of loving to pursue adventure excitement and incorrect riding styles among peers both show negative relationship with risk perception.


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