Title: | 從人類工程與社會心理觀點探討消費者對流行科技採納意願之研究 Impact of ergonomic and social psychological perspective: A case study of fashion technology adoption in Taiwan |
Authors: | 徐意鈞 Hsu, Yi-Chun 楊千 Yang, Chyan 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 人類工程;社會心理;流行科技;蘋果 iPod;創新擴散理論;結構方程模式;Ergonomics;Social Psychology;Fashion Technology;Apple iPod;Innovation Diffusion Theory;Structural Equation Model |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 近年來由於消費者對於娛樂科技產品的高度需求,許多企業不斷的推出殺手級的資訊應用服務來吸引消費者並拓展企業銷售版圖。然而科技產品演進至今,已不再是功能多寡論輸贏,取而代之的是符合消費者生活型態(Life Style)、帶給消費者時髦(Beauty)、並同時具有設計感(Design)與以簡單(Simplicity)為原則的高科技產品。所以了解影響消費者對於流行科技的採納意願是在資訊科技議題中很重要的一環;然而在過去文獻當中,鮮少針對流行科技消費者採納意願的動機做深入的調查,因此本研究從人類工程(認知有用性、認知易用性、認知有趣性與認知美學性)與社會心理(社會規範與認知關鍵多數)的觀點建構研究模型,試圖找出影響消費者對流行科技採納意願的因素,並以Apple公司推出的iPod產品為例。
本研究以問卷調查方式進行,樣本對象為台灣地區的消費者,總共回收491份有效問卷,所回收的資料透過結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling)進行驗證與分析。研究指出三項結論:(一)研究發現在人類工程觀點部份,認知有用性、認知有趣性與認知美學性會正向的影響流行科技的採納意願,而認知易用性對於採納意願則僅有間接效果存在;(二)在社會心理觀點部分,認知關鍵多數對於採納意願呈現正向顯著影響,然而社會規範對於採納意願卻不顯著;(三)已採納流行科技的消費者在研究中各研究變數的認知上顯著高於潛在未採納的消費者的認知。 Recently, there have been dramatic and emerging innovations in portable media devices. For example, this is evident with the Apple iPod, Microsoft Zune, Sony Walkman, Samsung and iRiver media players. Because of this, how to best understand the users’ intentions to adopt these fashionable technologies has become a new issue in the information technology domain. However in the past literature, little is published about what motivates people to adopt these innovative technologies. To address this issue, our research sought to come up with a model by integrating key variables from the role of ergonomic (perceived usefulness, ease of use, playfulness and aesthetics) and social psychological (social norms and perceived critical mass) facets on estimates of the fashion technology acceptance. A structural equation modeling approach was used to examine 10 hypotheses in the proposed model. The results indicated that usefulness, playfulness and aesthetics from the ergonomic facet and critical mass from the social psychological perspective positively contributed to the users’ intent to adopt the fashion technology. Furthermore, the perceived ease of use indirectly affects adoptive intentions through perceived usefulness and playfulness. Important implications of these findings are discussed from both theoretical and practical aspects. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/41304 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |