Title: 探討閱聽人對韓劇《我叫金三順》的解讀研究
The Research on How Audience Interprets the Korean TV Drama "Kim Sam Soon"
Authors: 張雅婷
Chang, Ya-Ting
Kuo, Liang-Wen
Keywords: 韓劇;閱聽人;涉入;愉悅;Korean TV drama;audience;involvement;pleasure
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究在探討男、女閱聽人收視韓劇之經驗,並且試圖理解兩性閱聽人的內心世界,以認知、情感、行為涉入三種類為出發點端看其與四種愉悅屬性類型(創造性愉悅、幻想與逃避性愉悅、宣洩與批判性愉悅、移情作用愉悅)之關連。 在研究方法上綜合了質化研究中的深度訪談與質性研究軟體Nvivo的分析,結合量化研究方法的科學數據與質化研究中的人文精神。研究發現,兩性閱聽人在解讀文本時因為先天特質的差異再加上後天認知的強化導致兩者的涉入程度與愉悅感的產製都有相當大的差異。大部分的女性在收視韓劇時,都會投入大量的情感,產生創造性跟移情作用的愉悅感,和劇中人物一起互動產生共鳴跟替代性的滿足。她們也認為收視節目是一種快樂的逃避行為,可以逃避現實跟父權制度下的壓力,經由行為涉入可以創造出更多的話題分享、貼近彼此的生活。而男性則相反,情感上的涉入比女性低,大多數會產生宣洩與批判性愉悅,也不喜歡與他人討論韓劇內容,認為這樣的行為涉入有損他們的男子氣概。
The research on how the gender audience interprets the Korean TV drama "Kim Sam Soon". The purpose of this paper is to understand the audience's inner world via their experience of watching the TV drama. The three aspects of cognition, emotion, behavior involvement are utilized as the starting point to discuss four pleasure attributions of the audience (productivity, evasion, criticism, empathy). This research adopted a qualitative in-depth interview method and an analysis of qualitative research software, Nvivo. It can be seen from the research results that gender may have different involvement and pleasure in drama viewing due to inborn characteristic differences and acquired cognitive enhancement, while watching the Korean TV drama, most female audience invest considerable emotion, engender pleasure of productivity and empathy, and have vicarious fulfillment through interacting with characters in the Korean TV drama. They also think that watching TV is a joyful avoidance behavior which can take them away from the pressure of reality and patriarchy. Through the behavior involvement, they may have more subjects to share and get closer to each other's life. On the contrary, the male audience may have less emotion involvement than the female audience. Instead, catharsis and critical pleasure may occur. Furthermore, they also are not fond of discussing drama plots with other people. They think that the behavior involvement like that may make them not manly.
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