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dc.contributor.authorWu, Chia-Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Hui-Chuanen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文藉由一個臺灣閩南語陽平變調覆誦實驗探討變調的心理真實性並檢驗語言轉移 (language transfer) 與範例理論 (exemplar theory)。實驗刺激項為臺灣國語雙音節假詞,首音節帶升調。實驗分為兩部分:實驗I 之刺激項嵌於臺閩語承載句;實驗II 之刺激項嵌於國語承載句。本實驗共招募七十二位六十五歲以上之臺閩語使用者為受試者,一半使用漳州腔臺閩語,其餘使用海口腔臺閩語。受試者依照教育背景再細分為未受教育與受過二至六年臺灣國語教育兩組。未受教育者參與實驗I,受過教育者參與實驗II。另外,依照年齡將受試者分為三組。實驗結果發現:一、未受教育者之非升調發生率與陽平變調發生率皆高於受過教育者,因前者接觸臺閩語時間較長,對於非詞尾或句尾不能出現升調的制約較敏感,且實驗I 之臺閩語語境可激活受試者利用臺閩語的知識思考;二、未模仿升調之覆誦結果除了應用陽平變調之正確變調外皆為平調,而且是與原升調起始或末尾調值相同但調型差異較小之平調,反映了優選論 (Optimality Theory) 之信實原則 (Faithfulness);三、年齡差異對於受試者的變調率有顯著影響。以上實驗結果具有幾點理論意涵:一、透過海口腔受試者之覆誦結果可證實臺閩語變調心理真實性;二、實驗II結果證實語言轉移,受過二至六年國語教育之受試者仍將臺閩語陽平變調應用在國語;三、年齡差異對實驗結果有顯著影響證實範例理論之概念,即年紀越長者對於新詞彙的使用越保守;四、部分實驗結果可訴諸於優選論之信實原則。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis conducted a repetition experiment on Yangping tone sandhi to test the psychological reality of Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) and examine language transfer, exemplar theory and Optimality theory. Test materials in this experiment are disyllabic non-words in the form CaCa, accompanied with possible tone combination in Taiwan Mandarin. Each stimulus was embedded in a carrier sentence. Part I of the experiment employs a Taiwanese frame sentence; Part II, a Taiwan Mandarin fame sentence. A total of seventy-two Taiwanese native speakers were recruited as subjects in this study. Half of them spoke Mainstream Taiwanese (MT) and the rest Coastal Taiwanese (CT). Subjects from both dialects were further divided into two groups based on education background. Subjects in Group A were illiterate while those in Group B had two to six years of Mandarin education, and they respectively participated in Part I and Part II of the experiment. All subjects were also divided into different age groups. Subjects were asked to listen to the recorded stimuli from the headphone, and repeated what they heard within time limit. Experiment results showed that first, not only non-rising tone responses but also Yangping tone sandhi occurred far more frequently in Part I. Second, except the accurate input mimicking and the correct sandhi tone, the remaining tone responses were all level. Last but not least, age group had a significantly positive effect on the occurrence rate of non-rising tones for MT subjects in Part I and for all subjects in Part II. This thesis has some theoretical implications. First, it is more sympathetic with the psychological reality of Yangping tone sandhi, especially in view of results obtained from CT subjects. Second, it also witnesses language transfer. Third, that age group positively affected how subjects abided by the tonotactic ban on a non-final rising in Taiwanese corroborates the exemplar theory. Last, that level tones occurred in the repetition experiment can ensue from in the alignment effect due to faithfulness in Optimality Theoryen_US
dc.subjectYangping tone sandhien_US
dc.subjectPsychological reality of tone sandhien_US
dc.subjectLanguage transferen_US
dc.subjectExemplar theoryen_US
dc.titleOn the Ban of a Non-final Tone Ib in Taiwan Southern Min: A Repetition Experimenten_US
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