標題: 情境問題解決教學對八年級學生的理化概念學習與問題解決能力之影響
Research of Contextual Problem Solving on 8th Grade Students’ Physical Science Learning and Problem Solving Ability
作者: 鄭淑娟
Cheng, Shu-Chuan
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 科學問題解決能力;情境學習;國中學生;contextualized scientific problem-solving;junior high school students
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 中文摘要 本研究目的在設計一系列情境問題解決教學課程取代傳統實驗教學(食譜式實驗),並探討不同教學課程對八年級學生的科學學習成就測驗、科學概念建構測驗、科學情境問題解決能力測驗的影響。 參與實驗計畫的班級共有四個班級 (126名學生),分成實驗組 (61人) 與對照組 (65人)。實驗組學生先接受講述式教學,再接受情境問題解決教學課程,講述式教學的教學時間共28節課,實驗課程部分一共有6次,每週一次,總共有12節課。對照組的學生則先接受講述式教學,再接受傳統的實驗教學課程 (食譜式實驗) 。講述式教學的教學時間共34節課,實驗課程部分一共有6次,每週一次,總共有6節課。實驗組與對照組的上課總時數均為40節課。整個研究的教學時間為期兩個月。 研究結果顯示,在科學學習成就測驗、科學概念建構測驗、科學情境問題解決能力測驗方面,情境問題解決教學組學生在三種測驗後測、追蹤測的表現均優於傳統實驗教學組,且差異達顯著。此結果顯示情境問題解決教學對促進學習成效與學習的保留效果,都比傳統實驗教學來的好。 在問題解決測驗質性資料的分析結果顯示,實驗組學生在後測與追蹤測提出方法完整與解釋正確的次數與百分比率明顯高於對照組,此結果顯示情境問題解決教學對促進科學解釋與提昇問題解決能力兩方面均有助益,且實驗組的學習成效與保留效果均優於傳統實驗教學。除此之外,實驗組學生提出方法部份完整、解釋不完全正確的次數也明顯高於對照組,此結果顯示,實驗組學生雖然無法提出完整的方法與正確的解釋,但實驗組學生具備較多關於解決問題有關的知識。 在實驗組學生學習單質性資料分析結果顯示,學生平均成績的變化情形在「方法」與「解釋」兩個向度上相似,都是單元一、三、五成績較佳,單元二、四、六成績最差。學生平均成績的變化情形在「實驗設計」與「評估」兩個項度上相似,都是單元一、三、五成績較佳,單元二、四較差,單元六和單元一、三、五之間無顯著差異。學生平均成績的變化情形在「已知」和「評量」兩個向度之間較無完全一致的趨勢。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of contextualized scientific problem solving on students learning of science in terms of their problem solving ability and scientific concept construction. This study used a quasi-experiment with one factorial design of instructional approaches (problem-solving experiment and traditional experiment). There were 126 junior high school students involved in this study from four intact classes in north part of Taiwan. There were sixty-one students received problem-solving experiment while there were sixty-five students received traditional experiment. All students were given three tests: scientific achievement test, scientific conception two tier test, and contextualized problem-solving test before, after and after six weeks of instruction. The group students who receiving contextualized problem-solving experiment were also collected their problem solving worksheet. Results indicate that problem-solving experiment group significantly outperformed than to the control group in scientific achievement test, scientific conception two tier test, and contextualized problem-solving test, regardless of immediate effect and retaining effect. Students contextualized problem solving test also were further analyzed through qualitative method which clearly indicated that experimental group students provided greater frequency of higher level problem solutions and scientific explanations across questions. Regarding to the lab problem solving data, it clearly indicated that students performance for the scales of known knowledge, solutions, explanations, design experiment, evaluation, and assessment do vary across topics, however, we do see pattern of increasing their performance across topics in general.


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