標題: 三維電腦遊戲引擎之中國水墨風格人物白描技法模擬
The Simulation of Chinese Ink Style Figure Painting Techniques in 3D Game Engine
作者: 余冠鳴
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 人物水墨白描模擬;遊戲引擎;狀態機;Chinese Ink Style Figure Painting;Game Engine;NPR;State machine;Silhouette;ID Image;Fly3D
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 無論中外,在早期繪畫的發展史上,都以人物畫為主。中國古代人物畫表現的技法上大致可分成三類, 一為白描畫法、二為工筆重彩畫法、三為寫意畫法(簡筆畫法)。然而白描畫法是人類最早,最簡潔的繪畫表現形式,中國古代稱為「白畫」,也有人稱為「線描」,於明嘉慶年間鄒德中等人將歷代畫家使用的筆法彙集十八種描法,將白描的技法做了分類。本論文之研究重點,為將三維電腦遊戲引擎中繪圖機制,改以電腦自動找出模型輪廓及特徵,並以調整線條的粗細變化及渲染的筆觸方法,來繪製三維電腦遊戲中的三維人物模型,使人物模型的物體呈現白描技法的效果。在繪圖速度方面,我們提出了狀態機的繪圖方式,將傳統每次重畫全部場景的方式,拆成若干個狀態來繪圖,以提昇三維電腦遊戲引擎對輸出入裝置之反應速度,使畫面顯示與遊戲之操作得以更加順暢。
No matter China and other countries, the early painting relies mainly on people drawing in the history of development of drawing. In Chinese ancient people drawing, it can be roughly divided into three kinds on technique displayed: a technique of drawing in brush style, color painting of the Chinese realistic drawing, and the comfortable technique of drawing. However, the drawing technique in brush style is that the people is the earliest and use the most succinct form to express. It is called ‘pure-draw’, also called ‘line-draw’. The De-Zhong Zhou et al. collected 18 kinds technique of drawing in the Ming Dynasty. It classifies the technique of the drawing in brush style. In this thesis, we modify mainly the drawing mechanism of three-dimensional computer game engine. It is automatically to find out silhouettes and characteristics of model with computer, and to present the result of Chinese ink drawing by adjust the thickness of lines in brush style. In speed of drawing aspect, we propose a state machine render mode. It is divided into several states rendering that is the tradition rendering method to render all scenes each time. The goal is to improve the reaction speed of three-dimensional computer game engine, and to smooth display and play.


  1. 756501.pdf

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