標題: 以ITIL模型提升企業資訊服務之研究-以某半導體封測廠為例
Using ITIL Model to Improve Enterprise IT Service– An Example of Semiconductor Company
作者: 林朝鈞
Li,Yung Ming
關鍵字: ITIL;ITSM;IT服務;半導體產業;ITIL;ITSM;IT Service
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著資訊科技越來越進步,IT在半導體的依存度也越來越深,IT的穩定度往往能決定半導體產能的高低,愈穩定的資訊系統與可靠的資訊系統,會帶給半導體愈佳的生產環境。隨著半導體進展的快速,IT面臨的問題複雜度更高,反應時間更短,被期待具有高可用性、可靠性、高安全性和穩定的表現效能。如何更確實掌握公司目標及弭平業務端的需求落差、避免客戶端對IT部門不切實際期待及錯誤的管理目標。 本論文透過田野調查,進行客戶端訪談以了解IT在MES系統上的應用,將訪談結果應用成熟度分析的手法,分析現行IT的成熟狀況,根據成熟度狀況,來判別IT現狀與未來要達到的理想流程中間的差距,主要做法: 1.利用客戶的系統架構、現行的程式應用、電腦資產資料及了解IT組織圖、KPI勾勒出相關流程,接著再進行主管訪談會議,確認相關成熟度。 2.在了解成熟度後,透過訪談評分,分析各流程的重要性及相互依賴的程度,訂立各流程改善實行的先後次序。 透過研究發現,相關資料及主管訪談,能協助IT部門進行現況的推導,並釐清未來改善的目標及次序,而不再是以高層的直覺來進行系統維護,或者是更新IT的投資。
The information technology service plays a critical role in the semiconductor industries. The reliability and availability of information technology service has a positive effect on the capability of semiconductor industries. As competition of the industries get more and more severe, the IT (Information Technology) service, accordingly, faces more and more challenge. For example, the operation of MES system is for 7-24 so that when the issue happens, IT officials do not have downtime but only few hours to find out the solution. Furthermore, the budget of IT investment is limited, but the business units ask for the better performance. The conflict brings the intension to both sides. In the end, IT officials often do not get the appreciation from customer site. The study believes that the ITIL process review can help to ease the conflict between IT units and business unites. It discusses how to utilize the ITIL to low the misunderstanding, make the positive.