標題: BPM系統導入與整合之研究-以A公司為例
A Study of BPM Implementation and Integration- An Example of Company A
作者: 鄭文量
Cheng, Wen-Liang
Lin, Bertrand M.T.
關鍵字: Web Services;企業流程管理;企業流程管理系統;Web Services;Business Process Management;Business Process Management System
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在競爭激烈的環境中,企業唯有快速反應市場與客戶需求,改善流程運作來因應環境的變化,才能提升企業本身之競爭力。企業流程管理(Business Process Management;BPM)系統是運用資訊科技於企業流程的管理,可以協助企業進行企業流程的快速調整,快速反應市場與客戶需求,進而提昇企業決策反應能力與品質。國內企業逐漸體認到企業流程管理系統(BPMS)的優勢,因此對於導入企業流程管理極感興趣。唯目前國內較少有適合台灣企業本土化的導入方法與整合的報告。依Standish Group,CHAOS統計報告,只有32%軟體專案完全成功,68%宣告失敗,故如何提出一套能適合國內企業導入企業流程管理系統的方法實為當務之急。 本研究的重點在於探討企業流程管理系統的導入與整合。透過探索性個案研究的方式,以文獻探討、深度訪談、參與觀察,來收集個案公司導入企業流程管理的步驟與實作方式的資料。並歸納出其成功的六個論點,尤其高階主管的支持、專案小組的對BPM的熟悉這兩點是重要關鍵。藉由以上本個案研究所得之觀察與結論,提出一套能適合國內企業導入本土化企業流程管理系統的程序與方法,作為未來導入企業流程管理之參考。
In the competitive environment, companies need to not only provide timely response to the rapidly changing market and fulfill customer’s needs, but also improve operational processes to achieve better performances. These actions will enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise itself. A BPM (Business Process Management; BPM) system is to use information technology to facilitate business process management. It can help enterprises rapidly adjust its business processes, and quickly respond to customer needs, and enhance response capacity and improve quality of decision-making. Enterprises in Taiwan recognize the advantages of Business Process Management System (BPMS). They are interested in business process management. However, Taiwan’s enterprises are lack of suitable localization methods and integration reports. The Standish Group’s CHAOS report mentioned that only 32% of software projects great success, 68% ended in failure. It is thus crucial to know how to provide a set of BPMS for fitting domestic enterprises. This study is to discuss the adaptation and integration of BPMS. Through an exploratory case study, including in-depth interviews, participant observation, and information collection, we want to identify the key adaptations and implementation steps of business process management. Through our study, we summarize six success factors. In particular, the support of executives and the ad hoc team's knowledge about BPM are both the key factors. The research outcomes conveyed in the study can be a useful reference of procedures and methods that domestic enterprises are able to adopt for their business process management systems.