Title: RFID門禁監控系統之資料庫設計
Database Design for RFID-Based Indoor Surveillance System
Authors: 宋朝源
Song Chau-Yuan
Der-Cherng Liaw
Chang-Jiu Chen
Keywords: 資料庫;無線射頻辨識;監控系統;實體關係模型;資料庫正規化;Database;RFID;Surveillance System;E-R Model;Normal Form
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本論文中,我們提出利用以無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)結合資料庫的建立可以達到對人員出入之即時監控效果。整體而言,在本論文中,我們應用實體關係模型(E-R model)與正規化兩種方法來規劃及調整我們的資料庫。而資料庫在整個系統中則扮演著決策中心的角色,其主要任務為判讀由RFID接收器(Reader)及網路攝影機(IPCAM)所接收的資料並解讀其所代表的資訊,以提供系統作為決策依據。 傳統的門禁管制系統在擷取到人員的影像特徵後,要和資料庫內所有人員的樣本資料進行比對完後才能確認進入人員的身份。然而,此一動作往往花費相當多的時間。針對這個問題,本論文提出了一種改良方式:進入人員先利用射頻身份識別技術,將身份以非接觸式卡片透過Reader傳送到資料庫,屆時就可以輕易的在資料庫內找出該身份的資。
In this thesis, a database was designed and constructed for RFID-based indoor surveillance system. The proposed database covers the video image, RFID serial number and the applicable entities of each personnel for the usage of auto identification. Through the construction of database for effectively combing those tags information and the image, target persons can be suitably recorded and analyzed for monitoring usage. Entities-Relationship modeling (E-R Model) and normalization were proposed for designing of a networking based database. In order to fulfill the performance requirements for system reliability, we will work on the construction of RFID readers and camera coupled with a networking based database to collection and record information. The system will provide for RFID tags information and the image of the target persons. This will make an efficient surveillance system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis