标题: 使用行动式IPv6整合网际网路和行动随意网路
Using Mobile IPv6 to Integrate the Internet and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
作者: 孙正忠
关键字: 无线网路;随意网路;IPv6;Mobile IPv6
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 电脑以及其他电子设备已经广泛的运用在我们的日常生活,而在最近这几年更有一种趋势,就是希望能够提供给使用者随心所欲不受环境限制的存取服务。随着无线网路相关技术的日趋完善,利用无线区域网路连接网际网路近年来已逐渐成为一种趋势。另一方面,随意网路 (ad hoc Network),是一种不需基础建设且没有基地台的网路。为了支援IP在随意网路及网际网路整合环境上的移动便利性,我们考虑到使用IPv6,因为IPv6具有支援安全性、自动组态设定、增强路由及支援主机移动等等的功能,应该为随意网路及网际网路整合环境的最好选择。在这篇论文中我们修改了Mobile IPv6使网路能够容易被实现,相关协定的调查研究及可行性考量将会在本文报告。
Computers and other electronic equipments are already widely used in our daily life. Recently, there is a trend to provide users to access networks in an any-time any-where manner. Wireless network technologies have progressed rapidly. Using wireless local networks to access the Internet has become popular in the last few years. On the other hands, an ad hoc network is an infrastructureless network which does not need any base station. To support IP mobility in an ad hoc Internet integrated environment, we consider IPv6. IPv6 supports security, auto configuration, enhanced routing, and host mobility. It will be the best choice for an ad hoc Internet integrated environment. In this thesis, we modify Mobile IPv6 to facilitate network discovery. The related protocols are investigated and feasibility study is reported.


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