標題: 無線網路安全之研究
A Study on WLAN Security
作者: 阮俊霖
關鍵字: 無線網路;WLAN;安全性;Wireless;WLAN;Security
公開日期: 2003
摘要: IEEE組織在1997年公佈了802.11系列標準後,無線網路已經變成愈來愈流行。之後不少的學術或是商業研究指出,無線網路的安全性有許多漏洞陸陸續續被發掘出來。因此部分的無線網路廠商也都推出自己的標準冀能補強原本的安全問題。另外除了IEEE之外,非營利單位的Wi-Fi組織也積極地公佈其他標準,以加強無線網路安全性,成為新一代的無線網路安全標準。 本篇論文將針對目前所有的無線網路安全標準以及各家廠商的獨家規格做一綜合性的深入研究,並比較其優缺點,另外也針對目前現有的各種攻擊及防禦的方法做一個探討。另外本篇論文也提出了一個Simple Proposal for Intrusion Defense in Enterprise wiReless LAN (SPIDER LAN)方案,可以有效的防止非法AP及管理無線客戶端設備。冀本篇論文能對無線網路相關研究以及企業內部的無線網路建置提供貢獻。
WLAN is more and more popular since IEEE adopted 802.11 standards in 1997. More and More academic and commercial researches unveil the potential vulnerabilities of Wireless LAN. Therefore many vendors of wireless devices improved the wireless security by their proprietary solutions. Besides IEEE, non-commercial Wi-Fi organization also developd other standards to enhance the wireless security. In this thesis, we will investigate all of the wireless security standards and many proprietary solutions. We will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. We will also explore the mechanism of attack and defense in wireless network. This thesis also propose a Simple Proposal for Intrusion Defense in Enterprise wiReless LAN (SPIDER LAN). This proposal can prevent rogue AP and manage wireless users and devices in wireless network efficiently. We hope the thesis can provide some contributions in academic research, as well as in WLAN deployment for enterprise.


  1. 759901.pdf

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