Title: 知識經濟下之司法創新與改革-我國智慧財產法院設立之實證研究
Judicial Innovation and Reformation under Knowledge-based Economy: A Study on the Establishment of Taiwan Intellectual Property Court
Authors: 林欣蓉
Hsin-Jung Lin
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 智慧財產權;智慧財產法院;專利法院;聯邦巡迴上訴法院;專利侵權;量刑;intellectual property;intellectual property court;patent court;Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuits;patent infringement;sentencing
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 為提昇國家產業競爭力,並因應知識經濟時代下智慧財產權保護之需求,世界各科技先進國家紛紛設立各類型之智慧財產專責法院(例如:德國之聯邦專利法院、美國之聯邦巡迴上訴法院、韓國之專利法院、日本之智慧財產高等裁判所等等),俾以提昇保護智慧財產權審判之效能,足見設置專業法院審理智慧財產案件已成為國際間法制發展之趨勢。 我國已於二00二年一月一日加入世界貿易組織後,自應遵守「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」(TRIPS)之規範,俾以符合國際間對智慧財產之執行與保護的要求,同時為順應上述國際間設立專業法院以保護智慧財產權之趨勢,我國司法院乃於民國九十三年六月間決議設立智慧財產法院,並已於九十四年底提出智慧財產法院組織法草案。惟過去我國司法制度的變革,或係平行移植外國法制,或係依政策需求而制定,往往無法切合我國訴訟的本土需求,而無法發揮預期之司法效益,本文擬以實證研究之方法,從過去我國司法機關受理智慧財產案件之案件量、法官之專業背景、專業法庭之建置、訴訟程序之實況、裁判之結果等資料加以歸納分析,深入研究符合「本土化」之智慧財產法院架構,並進而提出我國智慧財產法院設立之具體建議,期以真正提昇智慧財產訴訟之專業與效能,並贏得人民對司法的尊重與信賴。
In order to enhance the competitiveness of national industry and accommodate the necessity for strong protection of intellectual property under a knowledge-based economy, many countries have established specialized intellectual property court to improve the judiciary efficiency. For instance, the Federal Patent Court of Germany, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the Patent Court of Korea, Intellectual Property High Court of Japan are very successful examples. The establishment of specialized court to deal with intellectual property cases has become the current trend of international legal system. Taiwan has been a member of the World Trade Organization since January 1, 2002. Therefore, Taiwan is obligated to observe the norm of the TRIPS Agreement in accord with international requisition for execution and protection of intellectual property right. In June 2004, the Judicial Yuan decided to set up Intellectual Property Court and proposed a draft for its Organic Act in December 2005. Over the past few years, Taiwan has had many judicial reforms. However, most of these reforms simply took foreign legal systems and proceeded with parallel transformation without first conducting any empirical studies on the difficulties that such foreign legal systems might have on Taiwan’s own judicial system. In general, these reforms cannot achieve the anticipated judicial benefit. This thesis presents the difficulties of Taiwan’s intellectual property litigations through the analysis of judicial statistics and empirical studies on the professional background of judges, the operation of specialized IP tribunal, and the results of judgments. In closing, this thesis proposes concrete suggestions for the structure of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court to promote justice specialty and efficiency so as to gain esteem and trust from the people.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文