標題: 次世代正交分頻多工存取被動式光網路支援光載波
Next-Generation OFDMA-PON Supporting Radio-over-Fiber
作者: 黃逸旻
Huang, Yi-Min
Tien, Po-Lung
關鍵字: 被動式光纖網路;光載波;正交分頻多工存取;PON;Radio over Fiber;OFDMA
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 無線以及有線接取網路的需求不停的增加。對於有線接取網路,被動光纖網路可以在被動元件下達成服務目標。而對無線接取網路而言,光載波技術是一種可以減少被動光纖網路最後一哩的距離。這此篇論文中,我們呈現了一種新穎的被動光纖網路,它整合了光載波技術以及正交分頻多工訊號,並且不需要用到波長多工雷射(WDM laser)。我們並且提出三種改善系統效能的方法:洞口加大、加窗法、帶拒濾波器。並且用實驗論證了在32級ONUs的被動光纖網路架構中,同時將10-GB/s正交分頻多工存取訊號以及中心頻率位於2.1GHz的微波訊號經由單相的光纖成功的傳送。
The demand on both wired and wireless access network network is increasing. For wired access network, passive optical network(PON) do not use electrically powered components to meet the service. For wireless access network , a feasible option is radio over fiber(Rof) technology, and attempt to eliminate the "last mile" gap of PON. In this thesis, we present a novel PON architecture supporting RoF and OFDMA signal integration without WDM lasers. We introduce three method: less subcarrier, windowing, and notch filter to improve the system performance and demonstrate 10-Gb/s OFDMA and three RF signals at 2.1GHz are successfully transmitted over 20km SMF in a 32-ONU PON.


  1. 353701.pdf

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