标题: 永磁同步伺服马达与负载系统之扭矩振动分析及抑制
Analysis and Suppression of Torsional Vibrations for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor-Load System
作者: 傅祥志
Fu, Shiang-Chih
Cheng, Stone
关键字: 永磁同步马达;扭矩振动;振动抑制;双惯性模型;自动调变陷波滤波器;适应性陷波滤波器;PMSM;tortional vibration;suppress vibration;dual-inertia modle;auto-tuning notch filter;adaptive notch filter
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 马达传动系统中,各个驱动及传动元件的刚性未必相同,可能是高刚性或是低刚性之元件,而低刚性的元件常会造成明显的扭矩振动现象,进一步导致产品的瑕疵;较常見的解决方式是利用观测器作回授补偿,降低扭矩振动。本文利用适应性IIR 陷波濾波器侦测系统振动频率,并自动调变速度回路上陷波濾波器的濾波频率,用以抑制扭矩上的振动,使整个速度闭回路的频宽能不被扭矩振动所限制住;另一方面再利用模糊控制來改变陷波濾波器的带阻宽度,让暂态速度响应能更平滑。适应性IIR 陷波濾波器能侦测扭矩振动的振动频率,并自动的调整速度回路上的陷波濾波器之參數,來达到自动调整而非手动的功能。由模拟与实验之结果可得知,本文所提出之控制架构是有其可行性的。
In motor transition system, different components, such as coupling, gears, and shaft are having different stiffness; they may be high or low. The low stiffness component will cause torsional vibration clearly, this phenomenon results in defect of products. There are several ways to solve this event, the popular one is using an observer and feedback compensator to reduce the torsional vibration. In this thesis, an adaptive IIR notch filter is utilized to suppress the torsional oscillation, and then improve the bandwidth of the speed control loop; at the same time, the fuzzy controller is used to change the band stop width of the notch filter on the speed loop in order to smooth the transient speed response. Adaptive IIR notch filter can
auto-search the vibration frequency and auto-tuning the parameter of the notch filter, achieving the objective of auto-suppressing torsional vibration. From the results of the simulation and experiment, the proposed control structure in this thesis is a workable method.