標題: 台灣建築開發與全方位管理實務探討
A Study of Real Estate Development And Management Practices in Taiwan
作者: 曾國龍
Kuo-Lung Tseng
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 專業營建管理;組織實務;Professional Construction Management (PCM);organizational practices
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 建設公司之營運,牽涉到很多專業及法令,需要各方面之專業人才,而其中經營者或執行者最重要的是如何整合各專業人員,創造出與眾不同之差異及最大利基,即是本次論文所要探討研究的方向之一。而以建設公司之營運主要階段如:土地開發、規劃設計、營建施工及交屋而言,各項專業均有其理論及方法,但是各項之間之相關整合及實務經驗探討分享較為缺乏,本次論文亦將綜合本人20年來從事建築業累積之經驗,研究探討各階段之目標與策略,從實務之觀點切入研究,提出不同之論述,相信能對國內建築業有所幫助。並期公司經營者或高階管理者能對全方位管理有較深入之了解,俾能運用在公司之實務運作中。 所謂的全方位管理,就是以管理者的角度,針對建築開發的主要作業階段,探討其作業流程,並深入研究執行之技巧,以使每一階段皆能達成預設之目標,以便能確保每一建築開發案之成功並獲取預設之利潤。此模式在本人實際負責之諸多開發案中印證,皆有相當不錯之成果,並獲得不少業界參考施行。
Operation of a construction company involves versatile specialties and legal regulations, requiring professionals in every respect; the most important task for the management is how to integrate these professionals, so as to create distinguishing uniqueness and optimal niche. This will be one of the objectives of this study. In view of the major stages of the operation of a construction company, including land development, planning and design, construction and delivery of the finished building, each aspect of which has its own theory and method; yet the relative integration between different items, as well as researching and sharing of the practical experiences in each items, are lacking. In this paper, there will be a combination of the author’s over 20 years experience in the field of construction business, and research of goals and strategies of each of the stages; discussions are cut in from different angles of the practices, which the author believes shall be of great help to the domestic construction industry. It is also the author’s wish that entrepreneurs and high-level managers could have a thorough comprehension of total management, so that they can use it in the practical operations of running their companies. Total management refers to the process of setting goals for each phase and achieving them during the real estate development. The objective is to ensure project success and make the target profit. This approach has been applied to several projects the author was personally involved with, as well as of other companies, and has demonstrated good results.


  1. 052501.pdf

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