标题: 低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体之单位光通量漏电流特性分析
Study on the Mechanism of Unit-Lux Current for LTPS TFTs
作者: 孙国佩
Sun, Guo-Pei
Tai, Ya-Hsiang
关键字: 低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体;漏电流;光敏感性;直流偏压;LTPS;leakage current;photo sensitivity;DC stress
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体(LTPS TFTs) 由于拥有良好的电流驱动能力,目前已被广泛的运用在主动式矩阵液晶显示器(AMLCD)上。另外许多高附加价值的功能像光感测器、触控式面板、影像扫描等等,都被试着整合至显示器电路周边的玻璃基板上,倘若我们可以直接利用低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体做为光侦测器而达到上述的效果的话,不仅可以降低功率的消耗,也可以简化制程的步骤。因此低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体的光效应是值得我们去探讨的。
在此篇论文中,首先确认了光漏电流在低温复晶矽薄膜电晶体中主要产生的区域为汲极端,之后我们进一步的去研究关于制造额外缺陷态对光效应的影响。热载子效应(Hot Carrier effect)与自发热(Self Heating effect)效应两种分别提供了不同种类的缺陷,并在不同的汲极电压下对光效应产生不同的影响。此外,我们还修正了之前所提出关于描述光漏电流行为的经验公式,修正后新的经验公式更能符合完整描述光漏电流在不同温度与缺陷下的行为变化。因此我们利用新经验公式中各个参数与缺陷态之间的变化结果,试着去提出一个简单的模型来解释这些不规则的光电流变化与缺陷态的关系。
Low temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been widely used on the active-matrix liquid-crystal displays due to the excellent current driving ability. In addition, all kinds of attempts of high added value functions like light sensor, touch panel, image scanner, etc. have been reported to integrate display circuits to peripheral area of the glass substrate. If we integrate the ambient light sensor with the same LTPS technology used to fabricate the display, the power consumption can be reduced, and the fabrication process can be simplified. Therefore, the photosensitivity of LTPS TFTs is a significant design consideration for achieving high-image-quality display panels
In this thesis, first, we confirm that the photo leakage current occurs mainly on the drain side. Furthermore, photo current behaviors affected by extra defect states creation have been also investigated. Hot-Carrier and Self-Heating effects afford different types of defect states creation in the energy gap and change photo leakage current versus drain bias. Moreover, we also revise the empirical formula for ULC to provide even more accurate description of the photo induced current under the presentation of defect states and temperature. Thus, we proposed a ULC model for TFT versus the changing trend of fitting factors to explain these illumination behaviors.


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