標題: 一維軟弱岩盤河道侵蝕數值模式之研發與應用
Development and Application of 1-D Soft Bedrock Incision Numerical Model
作者: 劉柏傑
Lium, Po-Chieh
關鍵字: 軟岩侵蝕;有限解析法;數值模式;大安溪;Soft bedrock incision;EFA;numerical model;Ta-An River
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 國內目前對於河道沖蝕問題之探討,多侷限於沖積層河道,缺乏對岩石河床、岩石河岸之數模研究。當岩床或岩岸屬地質年代較年輕之岩層或弱面較發達之岩體,河道沖蝕問題往往甚為嚴重。國外對於岩床之沖蝕機制已累積不少成果,但實際將岩床沖蝕機制與河道動床數模整合者鮮少,目前常見一維動床數模如HEC-6、GSTARS、NETSTARS、CCHE1D等,皆尚未有軟岩侵蝕模擬之功能。
In the present numerical study on channel migration, discussion and handling with incision of river course is mostly limited to alluvium rivers, lacking research for rock bed and banks. River incision is severe when rock bed and banks are young rock stratums or well developed joints. There are many achievements with erosion mechanisms of rock beds, but integration of erosion mechanisms with numerical models is few. Commonly seen numerical models like HEC-6, GSTARS, NETSTARS, and CCHE1D, do not have the capability to simulate soft bedrock erosion.
This study relies on the development of soft bedrock river incision module, which include hydraulic scouring and sediment abrasion mechanisms. Soft bedrock incision module calculates soft bedrock incision rate and capacity. Combing the incision mechanisms with the EFA1D, a one dimensional numerical is developed to simulate soft bedrock incision phenomenon.
This study first tests the physical factuality of soft bedrock incision model with fictitious cases. Furthermore, Ta-An River in Taiwan is selected as the study reach, and the cross sections measured in different years are used for the model calibration and validation. Simulation results show that river migration tendency can be well predicted after combining the soft bedrock incision module.


  1. 654001.pdf

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