Title: | 考量預壓密之地下水管理模式之建立與應用 The Development and Application of Groundwater Management Model Considering Preconsolidation |
Authors: | 黃全謚 Huang, Chuan-Yi 楊錦釧 張胤隆 Yang, Jinn-Chuang Chang, Yin-Lung 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 地下水管理;地層下陷;預壓密;最佳化;Groundwater Management;Land Subsidence;Preconsolidation;Optimization |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 地下水超抽將直接導致地層下陷災害之發生,然一般地下水管理模式常僅以水頭洩降為考量因子以推求最佳抽水量,而少數研究雖有考慮地層下陷之影響並納入地下水管理模式之限制式中,但亦未定量分析土層因預壓密狀態之不同而對地下水管理造成之影響。
於模式測試後,本研究亦將所發展之管理模式應用於台灣西部之濁水溪沖積扇地區,並依據現行政策、地層下陷概況與高鐵路線分布等擬定不同之地下水管理方案,以推求不同方案下濁水溪沖積扇之最大可抽水量。應用結果顯示,本研究所設定之任何方案皆無法使最大可抽水量滿足濁水溪沖積扇地區現行之地下水需求量,由此顯示濁水溪沖積扇目前仍面臨地下水超抽之問題,而濁水溪沖積扇案例之分析成果亦顯示本研究所發展模式於實務應用之價值。 Groundwater overpumping will cause the serious hazards of land subsidence. Although the groundwater management models have been widely applied to obtain optimal pumping strategies, only a few studies explicitly incorporated the land subsidence into model’s constraints. However, the presence of preconsolidation and its influence on groundwater management had not been considered yet. In this study, to quantify the relationship between land subsidence and drawdown, the one dimensional consolidation equation is adopted which accounts for the elastic and inelastic soil consolidation simultaneously according to the preconsolidation head and drawdown. From the simulation-optimization approach, based on the response matrix technique along with one dimensional consolidation equation, a groundwater quantity management model is developed which enables the determination of maximum total pumpage subject that the land subsidence do not exceed the allowable value. The nature of developed management model belongs to non-smooth optimization problem. In order to improve the efficiency of solution technique, the non-smooth optimization is transferred into mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) by introducing the binary variables. Hypothetical examples are utilized to demonstrate the influence of preconsolidation on groundwater management after the developed management model is verified. The results indicate that the land subsidence should be explicitly incorporated into model’s constraints, otherwise the optimal total pumpage might be over-estimated. Moreover, if the presence of preconsolidation is ignored, the optimal total pumpage might be under-estimated, especially when the differences in heads between initial and preconsolidation become significantly. The proposed management model being verified is applied to Choshui alluvial fan located in mid-west Taiwan which is facing serious land subsidence hazard due to groundwater over-pumping. Several management scenarios have been considered based on the policy, groundwater demand, locations of high speed rails, and profile of land subsidence. The application results show that the maximum total pumpage to all management scenarios considered could not achieve the annual groundwater demands while reducing the land subsidence simultaneously, which indicate that the Chuoshui River alluvial fan is still facing serious problem for groundwater overpumping. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/42269 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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