標題: 陽極處理氧化鋁薄膜基板厚度對液晶配向之影響
Thickness Effect of the LiquidCrystal Alignment on the Anodic Alumina Oxide Films
作者: 黎哲瑄
Li, Che-Hsuan
Pan, Ru-Pin
關鍵字: 陽極氧化鋁;液態晶體;Anodic Alumina Oxide;Liquid crystal
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究藉由陽極氧化鋁薄膜作為配向層,利用控制不同蝕刻時間,可以得到不同的厚度以及與孔洞直徑不同的寬深比例,能使得液晶分子產生垂直配向;且極化定向強度最強為8×10-5(J/m2),可作為非常好的垂直配向膜。 在利用不同厚度鋁膜控制厚度部份,只經過一次陽極處理的陽極氧化鋁薄膜,未能使液晶分子配向,但經過二次陽極處理後有些特定參數卻能產生水平配向。
We use the anodic alumina oxide film as the alignment layer in liquid crystal cell. Nematic liquid crystal molecules can be vertical aligned by controlling the etching time which changing the diameter and aspect ratio of porous AAO films. The maximum polar anchoring strength of the anodic alumina oxide film is 8×10-5(J/m2);therefor the anodic alumina oxide film is a good alignment layer for vertical alignment. By controlling thickness of alumina film, AAO films prepared by the one-step process without any alignment results. However, there are homogeneous alignment results by the two-step process in specific experimental parameter.


  1. 152601.pdf

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