標題: 自組式量子點偏振螢光之理論研究
Theoretical studies of polarized photoluminescence
作者: 尤文廷
You, Wen-Ting
Cheng, Shun-Jen
關鍵字: 激子;自組式量子點;偏振螢光;交換能;價電帶混成;光學異相性;exciton;self-assembled quantum dots;polarized photoluminescence;exchange energy;valence-band mixing;optical anisotropy
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本篇文章主要是探討激子(電子-電洞對)在自組式量子點中所釋放的旋光。文章中利用 多能帶理論以及波包近似法理解激子中電子和電洞的性質,接著將於系統中引入重電洞、輕電洞耦合並使用費米黃金定律了解其對激子所釋放出旋光的影響。而關於重電洞、輕電洞的耦合包含兩大因素:(1)Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian因為量子點得不對稱性(形狀、應力)而產生耦合 (2)激子間的交換能。結果發現其耦合效應的強弱會影響線性偏振光的能量劈裂大小,甚至可以發現有一個臨界點(能量簡併)會造成X、Y方向線偏振光能量反轉;量子點的不對稱性會造成光學的異相性;激子能量劈裂差距和光學異相性程度(極化率)具有成正比的關係。
This thesis presents a theoretical study of polarized photoluminescence spectrum of a single spin exciton confined in a strained self-assembled quantum dot (QD). The electronic structure of an exciton in QD is studied in the framework of four-band strain model. The time-dependent perturbation theory is employed to calculate the polarized emission spectrum of strained quantum dot. The study shows that the effect of heavy- and light-hole (HH and LH) mixing is especially pronounced in quantum dots with lateral shape deformation and is essential in the polarized photoluminescence spectrum of QD. The HH-LH mixing results in pronounced optical anisotropy and substantially renormalize the magnitude of fine structure splitting between the bright exciton states of deformed QD.


  1. 154101.pdf

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