標題: 多電極液晶透鏡應用在2D/3D轉換影像之設計
Autostereoscopic 2D-3D Switching Display With Multi-Electrically Driven Cylindrical Liquid Crystal Lens
作者: 沈拓江
Shen, To-Chiang
Shieh, Han-Ping
Huang, Yi-Pai
關鍵字: 3D;3D
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 為了得到更自然的立體影像,近年來已吸引許多專家及廠商投入立體顯示器的發展。藉由對影像融入視覺上的深度,這些技術讓消費者更能感知到更真實的立體效果。對於不需配戴眼鏡的3D顯示器來說,需要固定式的光學元件例如:視差遮罩或柱狀透鏡。然而絕大多數顯示器皆應用於2D影像顯示,增加這些額外3D光學元件,會造成2D影像品質的降低。 為了能有3D影像且維持2D影像品質,可藉由轉換光學元件來造成光路徑的更改,藉此便能達成2D與3D影像間高自由度的切換。本論文設計出能自由切換於2D影像與3D影像的光學元件(MeDLC),針對其聚焦能力做了評估,以降低其影像間互相干擾的效果,進而提升立體顯示之影像品質與效率。 模擬中,設計出其最佳結構,並達到理想曲線。實作上,可達到近乎完美的理想曲線。從量測結果MeDLC在beam size上比傳統雙電極液晶透鏡小了35%,數值孔徑分析中MeDLC也較傳統的高出了66%,再者,電壓的需求也較為的低。因此,在crosstalk影響的程度上,比傳統透鏡降低了約43%。
In order to get more natural 3D sensation from displays, many researchers and manufacturers were attracted to invest in the development of 3D display technology in recent years. These technologies make it possible for the users to obtain more immersive experience by adding the real depth to the visual content shown on the display. In the case of non-glasses lenticular lens sheets must be prepared. However, since most of display applications have majority in displaying 2D image content, the fixed optical elements used for the 3D modes cause the degradation of the displayed 2D image quality. To overcome the degradation of 2D image quality under a given 3D displays, optical paths must be controlled by switching the optical elements to change 2D and 3D modes. In this thesis we designed an optical component that can switched between 2D and 3D images, and estimate the focusing capability to reduce the effect of crosstalk. So that can enhance the image quality of 3D images. In the simulation results, an optimized structure was designed to fit the lens-like distribution. The lens-like distribution has vivid improved compared to that of conventional double electrode LC lens. In experiment, the lens-like distribution was achieved as well. The measurement result also indicates that our device is closer to the ideal lens-like distribution. And the numerical aperture (NA) of our device shows an improve by a factor of 1.66. Also the voltage requirement is much lower with same NA. In addition, due to a smaller beam size of proposed design the crosstalk of our device is lower than that of the conventional double electrode LC lens about 43%. In conclusion, the 3D displays with proposed method not only smaller beam size and lower crosstalk, but lower operation voltage.


  1. 452701.pdf
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