標題: 不同付費方式下線上遊戲消費者行為之研究
A study of Consumer Behavior for Online games in Different Payment Methods
作者: 邱筠惠
Chiu, Yun-Hui Chiu
Huang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 線上遊戲;消費者行為;付費方式;Online game;Consumer behavior;Payment method
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著線上遊戲種類越來越多,線上遊戲業者競爭越大,2006年起線上遊戲之收費模式區隔成收費、免費兩大類。因此本研究欲探討在不同附費機制下,消費者的參與動機、滿意度、忠誠度是否有差異存在。 本研究對象為444位線上遊戲玩家,採問卷方式進行調查。根據實際調查所得資料,以描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定等進行結果分析,所得結果如下: 1. 玩家性別、年齡、平均每月可支配所得與每月線上遊戲費用支出,於不同付費方式下有顯著性差異。 2. 付費線上遊戲玩家其娛樂性參與動機、幻想性參與動機大於免費線上遊戲玩家,但成就性參與動機卻是免費遊戲玩家大於付費遊戲玩家。 3. 付費線上遊戲玩家其滿意度顯著大於免費線上遊戲玩家。 4. 付費線上遊戲玩家其忠誠度大於免費線上遊戲玩家。
With the increasing categories of the online games, the industry becomes more competitive. From 2006, there are two kinds of payment methods: free and charged. The research objective is to find the differences of consumers’ motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty between two kinds of payment methods. The research data are 444 online game players. We use the questionnaire to make the field study. According to data collection, we use descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent-sample t-test, and chi-square test to analyze. The research conclusion as follow: 1. The players’ gender, age, disposable income, and online game expense are significantly different between two payment methods. 2. The charged online game players’ entertainment and fantasy motivation are larger than the free online game players’. But accomplishment motivation is opposite. 3. The charged online game players’ satisfaction is significantly large than the free online game players’. 4. The charged online game players’ loyalty is large than the free online game players’.
Appears in Collections:Thesis