标题: 应用科技接受模型阐释使用者对电子化政府学习之行为
Elucidating User Behavior of E-government Learning A Perspective of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model
作者: 曾靖雅
Tzeng, Jing-Ya
Huang, Jen-Hung
关键字: 电子化政府学习;使用者接受度;科技接受模型;LISREL;E-government learning;User acceptance;Technology acceptance model;LISREL
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 我国政府积极提升电子化政府程度,因此台湾电子化政府评比在国际上表现亮眼,且政府致力于缩减数位落差,使台湾朝向数位化发展。近来,知识经济与网际网路的快速成长下,促使我国政府积极转型为“知识型政府”,因此政府努力推广电子化政府学习。
( TAM )加以验证。除了 TAM 原有五大构念:认知易用性、认知有用性、态度、行为意图、实际使用,还另外针对电子化政府学习的特性,加入两个新外部变数:认知学习价值、认知乐趣。
本研究选取“中小企业网路大学校”为研究网站,利用网路问卷收集样本资料。有效样本共有 307 份,问卷设计参考相关文献并配合电子化政府学习的概念修改而来。并以SEM ( Structural Equation Modeling )方法探讨模型适配度与变数之间的影响,采用的软体为LISREL 8.54。
The government aggressively has promoted E-government in Taiwan for many years; therefore, the ranking of Annual Global E-Government Study that has been completed by Brown University’s Taubman Center for Public Policy is outstanding. Taiwan’s government has made efforts in shortening the digital gap and has been moving toward the goal of achieving digital Taiwan. Recently, knowledge economics and the Internet are growing fast, so these two factors have prompted Taiwan’s government to reshape the paradigm of knowledge based government. As a result, the
government of Taiwan is dedicated to promoting E-government learning.
This paper proposes and verifies that the technology acceptance model ( TAM ) can be employed to explain and predict the acceptance of E-government learning. In addition to the original five constructs in TAM ( perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, behavior intension and actual usage), two identifying factors that
account for the E-government learning concept ( perceived learning value and perceived enjoyment) have been added to enhance the explanatory power of the model.
This paper studies the users of SME Online University, the first e-learning website developed for small and medium enterprises in Asia. An online questionnaire was conducted to collect data. The design of the questionnaire was based on TAM, the E-government learning concept and related literature. As a result, there are total of 307 effective data. Structural Equation Modeling was employed to examine the fit of data and the relationship between each variable in the model by using the LISREL software.
The results of the data analysis shows that the data fit the extended TAM model well. Both perceived usefulness and ease of use are fundamental factors, especially perceived usefulness. Therefore, the government should stress the usefulness of E-government learning to enhance user usage behavior. In addition, perceived learning value has a great impact on perceived usefulness, so the government could
enhance learning value to maximize the usefulness of E-government learning. In order to predict the user acceptance of E-government learning, this study adds two external constructs as mentioned, perceived learning value and perceived enjoyment. The predictive power of these two constructs shows that the new variables are significant.
This research analyzes the user acceptance of E-government learning from a user’s perspective and shows critical factors influencing final usage; therefore, the results can provide the government with suggestions to promote Taiwan’s
E-government learning level in the future and supply a more excellent learning platform for citizens.