標題: 探討台灣時尚服飾 不同年齡層之女性顧客忠誠度變化
Variation in Brand Loyalty by Age for Taiwanese Female Luxury Clothes Buyers
作者: 貝莎娜
Bilozerova, Oksana
Charles V. Trappey
關鍵字: Taiwanese female, Luxury market, Cohort, Brand Loyalty, Taiwan, Fashion clothing, Fashion Fanship;Taiwanese female, Luxury market, Cohort, Brand Loyalty, Taiwan, Fashion clothing, Fashion Fanship
公開日期: 2009
摘要: This study aims at investigating the relationships among fashion fanship, women age
cohort and brand loyalty of high Fashion brand clothing in Taiwan. The effect of satisfaction
works on brand loyalty is tested. Besides, the effect of fashionability is examined, too. This
research also attempts to provide beneficial suggestions and implications for marketing
This study use face-to-face interviewing method of collecting information questionnaire
survey to potential luxury clothes buyers. Total was collected 180 effective survey of females
aged from 18 years old. ANOVA, Correlation analysis and Confidence Interval methods
comparison are applied to verify the proposed hypotheses.
Significant evidences are found in four hypotheses out of eleventh. Fashion fanship is
proved to have a significant negative result with brand loyalty try Generation Y and opposite
Elder Generation showed significant negative result with Fashion fanship. The Open Generation
didn’t show any significant result, but was observed interest in fashion and cognitive loyalty to
high fashion brands. In addition, the study provides prove significant differentiation between
Generation Y and Elder Generation of Taiwanese female.
Research conclusions indicate that Open and Elder Generation are brand loyal. At the
same time Elder Generation show weak interest and nonchalance for fashion. Compared with
those two cohorts Generation Y show affective loyalty and is on the verge of fashion fanatic and
strong fashion interest. Evidences also show that Age Cohort can be the main factor in
researching brand loyalty for luxury goods (high fashion clothing), which suggests firms should
pay extra attentions on consumer age segment during brand building.
This study aims at investigating the relationships among fashion fanship, women age
cohort and brand loyalty of high Fashion brand clothing in Taiwan. The effect of satisfaction
works on brand loyalty is tested. Besides, the effect of fashionability is examined, too. This
research also attempts to provide beneficial suggestions and implications for marketing
This study use face-to-face interviewing method of collecting information questionnaire
survey to potential luxury clothes buyers. Total was collected 180 effective survey of females
aged from 18 years old. ANOVA, Correlation analysis and Confidence Interval methods
comparison are applied to verify the proposed hypotheses.
Significant evidences are found in four hypotheses out of eleventh. Fashion fanship is
proved to have a significant negative result with brand loyalty try Generation Y and opposite
Elder Generation showed significant negative result with Fashion fanship. The Open Generation
didn’t show any significant result, but was observed interest in fashion and cognitive loyalty to
high fashion brands. In addition, the study provides prove significant differentiation between
Generation Y and Elder Generation of Taiwanese female.
Research conclusions indicate that Open and Elder Generation are brand loyal. At the
same time Elder Generation show weak interest and nonchalance for fashion. Compared with
those two cohorts Generation Y show affective loyalty and is on the verge of fashion fanatic and
strong fashion interest. Evidences also show that Age Cohort can be the main factor in
researching brand loyalty for luxury goods (high fashion clothing), which suggests firms should
pay extra attentions on consumer age segment during brand building.


  1. 154201.pdf

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