Title: 自行車消費者行為與市場區隔之研究-以台北地區消費者為例
A Study on Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation of Bicycle Products-A Case Study for Taipei Area
Authors: 王章妮
Wang, Chang-Ni
Chen, Quang-Hua
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 自行車成車商品;消費者行為;生活型態;市場區隔;Bicycle Products;Consumer Behavior;Lifestyle;Market Segmentation
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 近年來由於週休二日政策及國民所得的提升,休閒旅遊似乎成為民眾生活中不可或缺的要素之一。然而,隨著國際汽油價格攀升及全球氣候暖化等環境問題,國內帶動了使用自行車通勤及騎自行車漫遊的流行風潮,進而刺激了國內自行車產業的市場需求。本研究擬對於自行車消費市場加以探討研究,並採用生活型態變數及人口統計變數分析自行車消費者的消費行為,此外,亦對自行車市場進行有效之市場區隔及提出各區隔市場之特徵。 本研究採用問卷調查法來蒐集資料,以EBM模式之消費者購買決策過程作為本研究之架構,以AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔之基礎,並描述其人口統計變數之特徵,藉由自行車成車之產品屬性、購買動機、資訊來源與消費實態等變數對消費行為加以描述。本研究採因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定等統計方法對樣本資料進行分析。 研究結果顯示:自行車成車之消費者可以透過生活型態變數來有效區隔市場。各區隔市場之自行車成車消費者,在人口統計變數、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性評估準則與消費實態變數上皆有顯著差異。最後根據此研究結果,針對三個區隔市場分別提出行銷建議,以提供自行車業者選擇目標市場及制定行銷策略時之參考。
Due to the weekend two-days off policy and gross domestic product (GDP) increases, leisure and tourism becomes one of those indispensable elements to public lives. The raise of international gasoline prices, global warming issues, and other environment effects, however, popularize the bicycle commuting and bicycle rambling at home and boost the market demand of bicycle industry. The aim of this study is to investigate bicycle consumption market, using the lifestyle and demographics as variables to analyze the bicycle consumer behavior. In addition, we were also devoted to segmenting effective bicycle market and the proposal of features of each segmentation. This study uses questionnaire to collect data. The EBM model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for market segmentation. We further describe the characteristics and behavior of consumers by purchase motive variable, sources of information, product properties and consumption reality variables. All data analyzed with following methods: factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA analysis and Chi-square test. The results showed that consumers of bicycles could be effectively segmented by lifestyle variables. Among the three segments, demographic variables, purchase motive variables, sources of information, product properties and consumption reality variables all manifested significantly predictions of product choice. Finally, based on the present investigation, marketing strategy is proposed for the three segmented market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis