標題: 組織道德氣候對員工工作滿足與職場偏差行為之影響
Effects of Ethical Climate on Employee Job Satisfaction and Workplace Deviance
作者: 謝慧賢
Hsieh, Hui-Hsien
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 組織道德氣候;心理道德氣候;工作滿足;職場偏差行為;知覺組織支持;Organizational Ethical Climate;Psychological Ethical Climate;Job Satisfaction;Workplace Deviance;Perceived Organizational Support
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究目的在探討道德氣候對員工工作滿足與職場偏差行為之影響。使用兩個研究,皆利用問卷調查法來收集資料進行分析。第 一個研究結果是:(1)道德氣候對員工職場偏差行為無顯著的直接影響效果;(2)道德氣候會透過工作滿足間接地影響員工的偏差行為,或是會先透過知覺組織支持再經由工作滿足進而間接地影響員工的偏差行為;(3)研究結果突顯在中華文化的情境脈絡下,動機論的觀點較規範限制論以及正向工作環境論的觀點更能有效地解釋道德氣候對員工職場偏差行為的影響歷程。 第二個研究結果是:(1)在組織內,員工知覺功利型氣候對工作滿足有負向的影響,而員工知覺關懷型以及公司規範型氣候對工作滿足則有正向的影響;(2)在組織間,組織層級的功利型氣候對工作滿足有負向的影響,而組織層級的關懷型、獨立型、以及公司規範型氣候對工作滿足則有正向的影響。 根據上述兩個研究所獲致之結果,本研究結論針對如何提昇員工工作滿足與降低員工職場偏差行為提出相應的實務管理意涵以及相關未來研究方向的建議。
The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of ethical climate on employee job satisfaction and workplace deviance. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data in the two studies, which compose of this research. The results derived from the first study showed that, first, the direct effect of ethical climate on workplace deviance was not significant. Second, ethical climate indirectly affected workplace deviance through job satisfaction or through POS first and then through job satisfaction. Last, the results significantly supported that in the context of Chinese culture, the motivation argument better explains the effect of ethical climate on workplace deviance in comparison to the normative constraint argument and the positive work environment argument. The results of the second study showed that: (1) within the organizations, individual employees’ instrumental climate perceptions were negatively related to job satisfaction, whereas their caring climate perceptions and rules climate perceptions were positively related to job satisfaction; (2) between organizations, organizational instrumental climate was negatively related to job satisfaction, whereas organizational caring, independence, and rules climates were positively related to job satisfaction. On the basis of the findings from the two studies, managerial implications for enhancing employee job satisfaction and reducing employee workplace deviance, and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis