Title: 以限制理論需求拉動補貨方式管理庫存之決策支援系統
Decision Support System for Inventory Management by TOC Demand-Pull Approach
Authors: 李炎峻
Lee, Yan-Jyun
Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: 限制理論;需求拉動補貨;緩衝管理;Theory of constraint;Demand-Pull;Buffer management
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 限制理論(Theory of Constraints,TOC)建議以需求拉動(Demand-Pull)的方式作為補貨機制,並利用緩衝管理(Buffer Management)來管理庫存。而在管理庫存時,目標庫存量、判斷調整庫存的時機與調整的幅度為重要的管理參數。目前中、外文獻並無對於緩衝管理的各項管理參數做深入的探討,因此本研究建構一套決策支援系統,以模擬的方式幫助使用者找出適用的緩衝管理參數組合,便於探討需求拉動補貨與緩衝管理對該產品的可行性。本系統提供兩種模組供使用者使用,分別為參數搜尋模組及特定參數模組,其中參數搜尋模組依使用者對緩衝管理參數所於探討的範圍進行模擬,而特定參數模組則採用某組使用者所設定的緩衝管理參數組合進行模擬。本系統以圖表與報表的方式將模擬結果輸出,供使用者參考。本研究利用台灣某晶圓代工廠所提供之實際案例說明本決策支援系統的使用方式,並針對案例所產生之模擬結果提出可行的建議。
Theory of Constraint suggests that apply Demand-pull in replenish mechanism, and use Buffer Management to manage the inventory. Therefore, to determine the target of inventory, to judge the occasion of inventory adjustment and quantity of inventory adjustment are important management parameters in the management of inventory. The recent literature doesn’t explain the parameters of buffer management in depth. Consequently, this study constructed a decision support system to simulate to help users find the application of the buffer management parameters, easy to explore the demand-pull replenishment and buffer management of the feasibility of the product. This system provides two modules, the search parameters module and the specific parameters module. The search parameters module offers users to set the simulated range of the parameters. Systems will simulate all combinations of the parameters. The specific parameters module uses the specific combinations of parameters in simulation. Systems will print out the charts of performance providing in the simulation. By way of simulation, which can observe the relationship of parameter between performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis