Title: RFID為基礎之電子產品生命週期管理及逆向物流網路設計-以行動電話為例
Electronic product lifecycle management and reverse logistics network design based on RFID for mobile phones
Authors: 謝佩蓉
Hsieh, Pei-Jung
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 綠色供應鏈;生命週期管理;逆向物流;逆向物流網路設計;Green supply chain;Product lifecycle management;Reverse logistics;Reverse logistics network design
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 因為電子廢棄物大量產生,造成環境汙染及資源消耗,加上環境法規之限制,企業需要進行產品生命週期管理,以達到法規標準,並且需要著重於產品生命週期結束階段,而其中逆向物流佔最大部分。 生命週期管理需要供應商、製造商、零售商、消費者及專業第三方物流業者 (廢棄物管理者)者共同配合。本研究首先根據相關產品生命週期管理文獻及實務上行動電話之供應鏈營運架構,將美國二手製造公司ReCellular及IBM逆向供應鏈架構納入生命週期管理營運架構,提出品牌廠商將所有逆向物流營運外包給專業第三物流業者,並導入RFID技術串連整體行動電話之生命週期。再者,根據先前所建立之生命週期管理,針對逆向物流進行網路設計,以總成本扣除收入下達到最小化為目標,求取最佳結果下設施開放,並且透過情境設定探討最佳化結果之變化。最後,探討導入RFID前後對於行動電話逆向物流網路之數學模式結果之影響。於RFID技術下對數學模式之影響包含處理成本、回收數量及容量限制三部分,本研究結果顯示:導入RFID技術對專業第三方物流業者有利可圖。然而,本研究提出之數學模式主要考慮回收產品之拆解分類及其最終處理項目,未來可考慮更詳細之成本項目,並於數學模式中納入RFID技術之成本及其他可能產生影響之情境設定。
With the limitation of environmental regulations, companies need to focus on product lifecycle management. Members including suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, consumer, and third party logistics with whole mobile supply chain can cooperate to improve product lifecycle management by RFID technology. In this study, product lifecycle management based on RFID is one of the issues to address mobile phone’s lifecycle management, and the other one is reverse logistics network design based on product lifecycle information from RFID. The results of this research are following points: (1) Companies can collect information by developing mobile phone lifecycle management and share information to members. (2) RFID technology can improve mobile phone reverse logistics activities from handle cost, facilities capacity and return quality. (3) The model in this study is different on handle activities, and output cost decreases by RFID.
Appears in Collections:Thesis