Title: 網路交易中買賣雙方之價格策略與行為
Pricing Strategies and Behaviors between Sellers and Buyers on Online Transactions
Authors: 林孟達
Lin, Meng-Ta
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 網路交易;電子商務;差別定價;NYOP;賽局理論;online transaction;e-commerce;price discrimination;Name-Your-Own-Price;Game Theory
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究根據網路交易中的差別定價交易模式與NYOP(由消費者自行定價, Name-Your-Own-Price)交易模式特性,運用賽局理論(Game Theory)分別建構模式,將其設計成雙人賽局,並以非合作賽局(non-cooperative game)之觀念進行求解與討論。 在差別定價交易模式中,本研究依據顧客對商品願付價格(willingness-to-pay)的高低,將其區分為二類不同顧客,在欲極大化其自身報酬的前提下,分別探討二類顧客之購買策略;在賣方部分,則探討在賣方實施差別定價並加入額外服務的概念時,如何運用這些策略提高其報酬;模式中同時探討買方購買策略與賣方定價策略,以及雙方各自報酬。 在NYOP交易模式中,本研究參考實務情況將買賣雙方議價過程假設為三個階段,若第三階段時雙方仍無法成交,則議價中止,雙方報酬皆為0;此模式由賣方先於網站系統中設定商品之門檻價格,並由買方先出價,若買方出價超過賣方門檻價格則成交,若未超過,則收到賣方系統發出之出價被拒絕通知,並於一段時間之後方能繼續出價,以此型式進行至多三次;本研究利用非合作賽局觀念進行模式建構與分析,並利用顧客特性將其分類,探討在此設定下,各類顧客之策略選擇及報酬,以及賣方在面對不同類型顧客時,最佳之反應策略及可獲得之報酬。 最後,根據先前對二模式之建構過程與求解結果,先將二者單獨討論,再將二模式結合進行綜合討論,從中提出管理意涵,分別對使用模式之顧客與網路交易經營者提出可供參考之建議,以及對後續研究者提出未來研究方向建議。
According to the characteristics of Price Discrimination and Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP) in online transaction models, this thesis formulates these two online transaction models as two-player games and employs the concept of non-cooperative game to analyze the pricing strategies and behaviors between sellers and buyers. In the posted-price (i.e. price discrimination) transaction model, this thesis categorizes customers into two different types according to their level of willingness-to-pay, then finds out the best strategies for each type of customers. As to the seller, this thesis finds out the seller’s best pricing strategies that can maximize his payoff by operating the price discrimination and offering the enhanced service to customers. In the NYOP transaction model, this thesis simplifies the procedure of price negotiation with at most three stages by considering the real-world online transaction models. If both parties cannot make a deal within three stages, then the haggling goes to an end and they finally get no payoff. In the beginning, the seller sets a threshold price in the online transaction platform, and the buyer proposes a price that he wants to pay for the good. They make a deal once the buyer’s offering price exceeds the seller’s threshold price, while they continue to haggle with each other if not. With these settings, the haggling procedure proceeds at most three stages. In NYOP, this thesis also categorizes customers into different types according to their characteristics, and then the best strategies for each type of buyer and for seller are developed by using the concept of non-cooperative game concepts. The managerial implications for online transactions are respectively drawn from the results and analysis of these two game models. Finally, this thesis synthesizes the results and analysis to insight these two models. After that, this thesis gives some suggestions to the e-commerce operators and customers, and gives some directions to the follow-up researchers as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis