標題: 動態能力研究的知識架構:文獻共引分析
The Intellectual Structure of the Dynamic Capabilities Research:An Document Co-citation Analysis.
作者: 李佳玲
Li, Chia-Ling
關鍵字: 動態能力;文獻共引分析;書目計量法;dynamics capabilities;document co-citation analysis;bibliometrics
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 過去動態能力研究文獻多偏向特定議題之分析與探討。然而,以宏觀角度進行回顧的文獻卻相當有限。本研究試圖利用文獻計量法針對動態能力研究領域之整體發展趨勢與研究脈絡進行分類與整合。透過Web of knowledge 進行資料蒐集,並依文獻書目檔案進行兩兩配對,最後彙整出共被引矩陣,並依此進行後續研究與分析。此外,核心文獻於各研究議題上的集群現象,以及探討動態能力研究領域的發展趨勢與知識結構的命名與定位。 依據文獻共被引分析的結果,本研究歸納出動態能力研究領域發展可分類為:(1)資源基礎觀點、(2)知識基礎理論、路徑相依與網絡關係觀點、(3)組織行為與創新、(4)市場進入的風險與不確定性。 本研究結果預期可提供為來動態能力研究領域之參考,幫助相關後續研究有更深入的發展。
The issue of dynamic capabilities(DC) has been extensively conducted for the last two decades. However, most previous studies focused on specific variables discussion rather than on summarization and integration of previously published researches on a given topic. It is especially necessary to identify weaknesses and limitation in extent research, and to create a roadmap and agenda in a mature research field for future studies. In this thesis, we attempt to classify and integrate past literature contexts by bibliometrics techniques, a well-developes analytic process in a field of library and information sciences. Besides data was collected from ISI Web of Knowledge database and was matched based on core document files. Accordingly, a co-citation matrix was summarized and uses by further analysis. Furthermore, the effects of co-document clustered on every DC topic, on intellectual structure and on its main trends are discussed. At the same time, the derived clusters were named and positioned respectively. According to the results of document co-citation analysis, we concluded that intellectual structure of DC contained (1) resources-based view, RBV; (2) knowledge-bases view, KBV; path dependency and relational view; (3) organizational behavior and (4) risk of market entry and market uncertainty.


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