Title: 台灣低價航空公司之預期服務品質、航空公司形象、顧客價值與行為意圖之研究
A Study of the Expected Service Quality, Airline Image, Customer Value and Behavioral Intentions
Authors: 李恆晉
Hendrik Liwan
Keywords: low cost carrier;expected service quality;airline image;customer value;behavioral intentions;低價航空公司;服務品質;航空公司形象;顧客價值;行為意圖
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 過去六十年來,在航空業最大的改變,就是低價航空公司的興起。低價航空公司提供許多特別的服務,這些服務對於目前的傳統航空公司而言,造成不小的威脅。因此,傳統航空公司為了因應這樣的競爭環境,也開始學習低價航空公司的經營模式,加入競爭行列。在2009年4月底,低價航空公司已經開始進入台灣市場,本研究針對預期服務品質、航空公司形象、顧客價值、以及行為意圖等構念當作研究模型基礎,進行實證研究分析,並且以性別當作調節變數加以研究探討。
For the last 60 years, there is a changing in the airline industry around the world, with the emerging of low cost carrier (LCC) airline companies. LCC offers different characteristic to its customers, which made them very success and become a serious threat for the traditional (full service) airline companies. Even the success of LCC’s business model, made the traditional airlines change and adjust their business model similar to LCC’s, so they didn’t loose the market. On the late of April 2009, LCC just entered Taiwan market. In response from the Taiwan market towards LCC, this paper proposed a research model based on expected service quality, airline image, customer value and behavioral intentions with moderating effects of gender.
Our study revealed that service quality and value have a positive effect on intentions to use LCC. But this result has different implication for gender comparison. And our study also found that image didn’t have effect on intention to use LCC, which have the same result for both male and female group.
Appears in Collections:Thesis