DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCho, Hsien Kuangen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jiun Deen_US
dc.description.abstract長久以來,音樂一直是安撫和表達人們情緒、情感最重要的管道。隨著數位 科技在網路上迅速的傳播,音樂如今已在人們的休閒生活中起到娛樂及取悅人們 的關鍵作用。音樂愛好者不但可以在線上任意購買和聆聽各種自己喜歡的音樂, 也可以透過先進的網路科技進行搜尋及與人們進行相關資訊的分享。因此,如何 為音樂網站設計出一個合適的介面以符合使用者的情感需求,就成為互動設計者 不得不面對的重要課題。因此本研究希望透過情感設計( Norman, 2004)的本能、 行為及反思三大層次的概念作為研究的理論框架,以對不同的音樂網站介面進行 類型分類並探討其可能影響使用者情緒感受的的介面元素。 本研究共分三個階段進行。在第一階段,依據使用者的情感感受進行區分, 探討音樂網站的首頁可以區分為哪幾種情感風格類型,並探討各風格的視覺特 徵;透過階層次集群分析法,將95個音樂網站首頁分成六種不同的情感風格組 別:(1)荒蕪、乏味、枯燥(2)科技感、冷調、威嚴(3)雜亂、粗糙、沮喪(4)普通、 規矩、中庸(5)鮮豔、活潑、興奮(6)美觀、舒適、享受。再以MDS(多元尺度分析 法)法分析這95個網站在使用者情感認知平面上的分布圖,結果顯示其與Russell & Pratt(1980)的情緒結構模式存在相當的關聯性。第二階段以徵募受測者參加實 驗的方式來探討不同情感風格外觀對使用者實際使用性認知的影響。實驗結果顯 示不同網頁情感風格也確實會影響使用者的使用性表現(感知使用性)。在最後階 段則透過第一階段所蒐集來的訪談資料及參考過往研究發現(Daniel, 2000; Newman & Landay, 2000; Norman, 2004; Powell, 2000; Yeh, 2007)作為分析框架, 發展出一套問卷以探討在視覺設計、使用性及導覽設計、功能與資訊內容傳達設 計、形象設計等影響三層次情感設計的四大網站設計面向上,音樂網站使用者的 議題重要性評估。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMusic has a gloriously long history being the most important media to comfort and express people mood as well as emotion. As digital technology quickly spreads through the internet, music nowaday has played an even critical role to entertain and please people in their leisural life. Music lovers not only can purchase or hear online of all types of perfered musics, but also can carry on music searching and related knowledge sharing among peoples all by the advanced internet technology. Thus, how to design an appropriate interface for music websites to meet users’ emotional needs has become a keen issue for interaction designerse. The present study aims to adopt the concepts of emotional design ( Norman, 2004) in terms of visceral, behavioral, and reflective levels as the study theoretical framework to categorize the layout types of music website interfaces and explore the possible interface elements that might affect users’ emotions.. There were three study stages. At the first stage, according to user's emotional perceptions, the emotional styles of music homepage layouts were first categorized and discussed the visual elements that consititute the belonging styles. From a total of 95 music websites and through the mean of hierarchical cluster analysis, six emotional styles of music homepage layouts were identified - (1) Desolate, Boring, Dry (2) Technical Feeling, Cool, Majestic (3) Disorderly, Harsh, Frustrating (4) Ordinary, Regular, Unstimulating (5) Fresh, Festive, Exciting, and (6) Beautiful, Comfortable, Enjoyable. Further analysis was managed by using MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) to illustrate the distributed maps of users’ emotion perceptions. The results showed the closed relationship with Russell and Pratt’s (1980) PAD model; the second study stage recruited subjects to participate an experiment to explore whether the different emotional layout styles might affect users’ actual usability performances. The experiment results revealed that the different emotional layout styles did significantly impact users’ usability performances (perceived usability); for the last stage, using the interview data collected from th first stage and pervious study results (Daniel, 2000; Newman & Landay, 2000; Norman, 2004; Powell, 2000; Yeh, 2007) as analysis framework, a questionnaire was developed to investigate the music website users’ ranks of the important degrees of visual design, usability / navigation design, functional / imformation content design, and image design that might impact three emotional design levels.en_US
dc.subjectmusic sitesen_US
dc.subjectweb-site designen_US
dc.subjectemotional designen_US
dc.subjectstyle cognitonen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Emotional Design for Music Sitesen_US


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