標題: 探索跨領域教育中師生互動之因素與其影響— 以科技藝術工作坊為例
Exploring the Effects of Student-Teacher Interaction in Interdisciplinary Education from Art and Technology Workshop
作者: 吳孟蓉
Wu, Meng-Jung
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 跨領域;科技藝術;師生互動;工作坊;interdisciplinary;art and technology;student-teacher interaction;workshop

公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在資訊流通快速的社會中,知識的界域愈加消弭,跨領域的合作與學習更加地普遍。而在科技與藝術的領域中,近年更可見其結合之趨勢。但也因當今訊息流通快速,體制內教育受限於師資,較難以全面性地給予學生嶄新且即時之資訊與教學內容,故體制外之工作坊便因應此狀況在近年蓬勃出現。但也因跨領域工作坊的教學狀態迥異於傳統教學情境、講師背景亦多元化的狀態下,師生間的互動與學習狀態皆與傳統教學場域有所差異,故本研究旨在發掘工作坊中師生互動之因素及其影響,以提供未來工作坊教學之參考。 本研究使用參與觀察法進入工作坊情境中,對跨領域中的師生互動情境進行觀察,並在工作坊活動中使用隨機訪談,並於活動後使用深度訪談法,發掘影響師生互動與學習的因素。研究結果顯示,影響跨領域工作坊師生互動之因素主要有彼此之專業背景與工作坊之教學目標與性質。在跨領域教學的互動歷程中,師生間因不同專業背景與使用之語言,往往導致彼此在溝通上產生理解上的落差,進一步對師生互動產生影響;除此之外,工作坊的教學目標與教學性質也對講師與學員間的互動、關係與學習成果造成影響。
Nowadays, the vast volume and rapid transmission of information has lead to no boundaries between fields of knowledge. Interdisciplinary collaboration and learning are more popular, especially in the field of arts and technology. Workshops have become a popular way to spread the knowledge of art and technology by providing new and timely information for learning. Workshops differing from the normal school system are a new learning environment, and offer different kinds of student-teacher interaction. The purpose of this research is to explore the factors that affect the interactions between students and teachers in workshops. This research takes four workshops into cross-case study by using qualitative methodology. Results show there are four factors that affect student and teacher interactions: (1) different backgrounds; (2) language differences; (3) teaching contents; (4) purpose of the workshop. These four factors influence the interaction, communication, organization and learning processes between students and teachers in workshops.


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