Title: 「我不是頭腦」-一位旅人走入內在生命療癒的故事
"I am not My Brain":A Path with Heart into the Inner Life Healing
Authors: 陳柳如
Chen, Liu-Ju
Chen, Jyh-Jia
Keywords: 自我敘說;真實感覺;心靈療癒;生命故事;self-narrative;true feelings;spiritual healing;life-story
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 這是一趟進入內在的旅程。為了明白「我是誰?」以及「我為何活在這裡?」,一位生命的旅人放下了對外的追尋,選擇走入自己的內在世界,尋找存在自己裡面的答案。
This is a trip into the inner world. To know “Who am I?” and “Why am I living on earth?”, a life traveler stops seeking for the answers from the outer world but turns to ask herself from the inner world.
“I am not my brain.” is the magic sentence which brings the traveler to the world of spiritual healing. The traveler learns to be aware of, to admit and to face her real feelings and thoughts. At the same time, she explores some stories hidden inside of her.
The traveler says, “I’ve been noticing that I am easily besieged with sensitive and conflict emotions. Struggling against negative emotions and pretending to be fine truly devitalize me, and I have been questioning about when the day will come on which I do not need to struggle any more. Fortunately, I meet self-narrative and life healing, which help me be aware of some inner stories and feelings inside of myself. Through writing and practicing, I start to be aware of, to admit and to face the true feelings I have hidden away from people even from myself. These inner stories and feelings become clear to me gradually, and what is amazing is that they are also released from me at the same time. Thus, I realize that it is because I besiege the emotions that I am besieged by them.”
The traveler finally notices and releases the stories and emotions besieged inside her and, at the same time, she also releases herself. In addition, the traveler also realizes that “I am not my brain, my body, my emotions, or anything that I thought I were. I am just myself.”
Appears in Collections:Thesis